NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal database, ngo funding agencies, ngo india, indian ngos, international ngos, ngo training institutes
, financial management related ngos, legal aspects related ngos, fcra related ngo, income tax related ngo, registration related ngo,
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Leadership - Developing New Leaders for Tomorrow- American Express CSR

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -- Mahatma Gandhi

We are especially interested in proposals that cultivate leadership opportunities for diverse communities within the nonprofit sector or that focus on innovative leadership development programs for emerging leaders of world-class institutions.

Our focus is on training professionals with demonstrated commitment to the nonprofit sector in programs specifically targeted to the arts, environment, higher education and social service arenas.


Supported programs encourage leadership development for emerging leaders through one or more of the following:

Addressing the leadership deficit in the nonprofit sector, whether by enabling new executive directors or supporting the training and development of emerging leaders.
Diversifying the current landscape of nonprofit leaders.
Transforming organizations through best-in-class management replicas de relojes de lujo en españa and leadership practices, whether through board leadership, implementing management principles, or expanding an organization's capacity to attract, develop and retain leadership talent
Other related: 



        Principles of Team Building 


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