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YCF Programme

Activities: Others

Funds for NGOs

About YCF

YCF integrates the following areas:

◾Leadership training: personal development and group dynamics from an intercultural perspective, encouraging creative initiatives as well as co-operation. The leadership training is carried out through lectures, workshops, reflection sessions and a variety of work tasks and collaboration.

◾Social media: training in innovative technologies as tools for shaping public opinion and for building networks that promote knowledge sharing and openness. The social media training is carried out through workshops, practical assignments and group projects.

◾Knowledge exchange and inspiration: new perspec­tives on how to drive development and change processes in the field of transparency, democracy and human rights. The knowledge exchange is facilitated through interactive workshops with fellow participants and with speakers and inspirers working actively in these areas.

◾Practical experience: practical assignments and projects run throughout the programme in combination with study visits to relevant Swedish institutions and civil society organisations that work in the sphere of culture, society and politics.

The programme comprises of 3.5 weeks of intensive work divided into two modules:

Module 1: YCF in Sweden (8 September- 25 September 2015)

This module offers experience-based intercultural leadership training and personal as well as group development. It also involves advanced hands-on training with the use of social media tools.

Exchange of experiences and creative strategies in the work for social change takes place through seminars and workshops with facilitators working actively in these fields.

Practical group assignments and project work run throughout the module in combination with tailor-made study visits to relevant Swedish organisa­tions and institutions.

Module 2: Will be held in February/March 2016 – date and place to be confirmed 

Module 2 offers an opportunity to maintain, build and expand the participants’ network. All participants will meet again in Sweden or another location to continue the exchange and follow up the development of their work.

The module will also include workshops and seminars with speakers and build on the sharing of the participants’ own experiences and knowledge.

Please note that the Young Connectors of Future programme is an intensive programme and all selected participants will have to commit to participate in all activities in both module 1 and 2.

Accommodation, food and travel

All costs related to accommodation, food and transport during the YCF programme are covered by the Swedish Institute. The Swedish Institute will also arrange and pay for the participants’ air travel to and from Sweden and to the location of the second module of the programme. Participants are themselves responsible for costs related to transport within their own countries.


During the programme in Sweden all participants will be insured against acute illness and accident through the Swedish State Group Insurance and personal insurance by The Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Service Agency (Kammarkollegiet). If the second module is held in Sweden the same arrangement as for module 1 will apply. However if the follow up is held in another country participants will need to arrange and cover insurance costs.

Visa:Participants are responsible for obtaining their visas in good time before departure to Sweden and other relevant countries. The Swedish Institute will contact all concerned embassies in order to facilitate the application process. When applying for a visa the Swedish Institute will provide the participants with a letter of invitation and an insurance certificate, and will also cover the application cost.  Find your nearest Swedish Embassy

YCF Programme Eligibility Criteria  

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