Mental Health Initiative Guidelines
Funds for NGOs
Health/Nutrition,Physically & Mentally Challenged,Others
Eligibility Criteria :The Mental Health Initiative provides funding to nongovernmental organizations in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, or to organizations based in other countries that focus their activities in this region. Ineligibility Criteria:The Mental Health Initiative does not fund projects which are in any way connected to increasing the capacity of, or to improving, residential institutions for people with disabilities. This includes renovations or any other upgrades, equipment, charitable contributions or humanitarian aid, events organized within an institution, and any other form of core support to residential institutions.
Guidelines: The Mental Health Initiative has an open pre-application process. If your organization's work falls clearly within the funding guidelines above and you would like to be considered for an invitation to submit a full proposal, please write a one-page letter of intent which contains the following information:
•The organization's purpose and goals •The project for which funding is requested •The amount of funding requested •The organization's total income in the last financial year •Some biographical details of the organization's leadership Please send your letter of inquiry via email to Please put your organization name in the email subject line Back to Mainpage Fore more information visit ...................... Recent Posts Student Initiative Grants International+Higher+Education+Support+Program Anandana Grants Ravi+Sankaran+Fellowship+Program NATIONAL+INNOVATION+FOUNDATION++Biennial+Competition Inlaks+Scholarships India Youth Fund Saving Lives at Birth A Grand Challenge for Development Young Connectors of the Future Programme YCF IPAF Grants Funds for NGOs India NGO Awards Fellowship Program Open Society Reaching the Moveable Middle Funds for NGOs Diagnostic tools for poverty-related diseases Grant Innovation in Conflict Transformation
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