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Organizational Development Grants to Think Tanks - Open Society

Funds for NGOs Last date 1st July 2015

Activities: Organisational Devp,Others

The Open Society Think Tank Fund requests proposals for organizational development grants from independent, multi-issue think tanks working in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine.

Organizational development grants aim to provide support for improvement in the three specific areas of think tank activity and operation:

Quality of research products encompasses mechanisms for external and internal review of written output, and development and choice of various research methods and formats for producing analysis.

Communications and advocacy capacity deals with how organizations deliver their findings to the public, who they target as key audiences, and what approaches and tools they use for that purpose.

Internal development and governance is concerned with how think tanks function as a nonprofit organization and includes staff recruitment and retention; composition and functioning of governing bodies (like a governing or advisory board); and issues of strategic planning, fundraising, and sustainability.

An organizational development grant can cover from one to all three areas for a period between one to two years based on an applicant’s demands, merit of the proposal, and the time needed for implementing necessary changes.

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