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Funds for NGOs and Funds for Indian NGOs

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Opening of the Call for Projects in support of decentralized Cooperation- Youth III- Eligibility

V. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA1. Youth participation:Projects should focus on young people and integrate them into the decentralized cooperation project. Volunteers and young people in vocational training must be supervised and followed throughout their international experience, which must be able to be va...

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Opening of the Call for Projects in support of decentralized Cooperation- Youth III

Opening of the call for projects in support of decentralized cooperation" Youth IIIIntroduction:Youth and its openness to the world are a priority for the government and an asset for France and its territories. This call for projects, open from 16 January to 17 April 2017 , accompanies on the o...

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Religion and the Global Framing of Gender Violence - Columbia University

Call for Proposals for Reporting Grants on Religion and Gender ViolenceSubmission Deadline: March 15, 2017Religion and the Global Framing of Gender ViolenceAt Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Social Difference Focus: Middle EastStart Date: September 10, 2017Duration: 2-3 week...

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ELIGIBILITY & CRITERIA:Any grant requested under this Call for Proposals must fall between the minimum amount of EUR 5000 and the maximum amount of EUR 20 000.Only activities taking place from October 1st 2016 until September 30th 2017 will be considered eligible. To avoid creating a misbal...

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PROTECTION SUPPORT FUND - CALL FOR PROPOSALS from December 1st 2016 until March 15th 2017THE CALL:In October 2015, Protection International (PI) became member of a consortium carrying the EU Human Rights Defende...

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Call for a Research and Evaluation Partner - Elrha

THE PROBLEM:There is an increasing recognition in the humanitarian sector of the importance of engaging local communities in the design, selection and implementation of sanitation facilities. Efforts are being made to better understand not only the physical and safety needs of those affected by a ra...

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Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE)

The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) provides the general quality framework for European and international cooperation activities a higher education institution (HEI) may carry out within the Erasmus+ Programme. The award of an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education is a pre-requisite for a...

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Call for projects "Promotion of family farming in West Africa (Pafao)" 2017

Call for projects "Promotion of family farming in West Africa (Pafao)" 2017Given the rapid growth of cities and the increasing demand from urban consumers for changes in urban-rural relations, family farming is already strengthening the capacity of a country or region to feed Its urban pop...

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JJ Keller Foundation Grants for organisations in Fox Valley region

The Online Application ProcessWe accept unsolicited grant requests from nonprofit 501(c)(3) public charities in the Fox Valley region only. Applicants must apply online, using the process outlined below. Smaller grant requests are typically reviewed monthly, and larger requests are reviewed at quart...

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HIV Young Leaders Fund Eligible Countries

Eligible countriesAfghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti , Kiribati, Lao People’s Democratic...

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HIV Young Leaders Fund Eligibility

Eligibility: Only youth-led organizations or youth-led projects (these can be within a larger organization or a new initiative) focused on serving young key populations are eligible for funding. Youth-led means that the organization, initiative or project is coordinated and governed by young pe...

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HIV Young Leaders Fund 2017

Which are the funding priorities for HIV Young Leaders Fund : HYLF through its Small Grants Programme supports organizations and projects led by and serving young key populations affected by HIV, with limited access to funding opportunities and working within countries and regions with diverse ...

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Open Society Foundation Advocacy Grants for Roma Initiative (Roma & EU Funds)

The Roma Initiatives Office invites Roma and pro-Roma organizations and formal or informal networks from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, and Spain to apply for advocacy grants aimed at ensuring that civil society remains a critical actor in the implementation, monito...

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Global Giving Accelator

What's the GlobalGiving Accelerator?:The GlobalGiving Accelerator is an opportunity for you and your organization to build skills, access tools, and grow your base of supporters to achieve crowdfunding success. When you graduate, your organization becomes a permanent member of GlobalGiving, and you&...

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Motorola Solutions Foundation Grants

About the Motorola Solutions Foundation:The Motorola Solutions Foundation is the charitable and philanthropic arm of Motorola Solutions, originally founded in 1953. With employees located around the globe, Motorola Solutions seeks to benefit the communities where it operates. The company achieves th...

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National Geographic Society - Big Cats Initiative

The goal of the Big Cats Initiative is to the halt the decline of lions, cheetahs, and other big cats worldwide. Therefore, National Geographic will be collecting all available data on big cat populations, demographics, and habitat and will then fund a variety of conservation projects across their r...

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National Geographic Society - Grants Program

The National Geographic Society awards grants for research, conservation, education, and storytelling through its Committee for Research and Exploration. All proposed projects must be novel and exploratory, and be of broad interest. National Geographic Society grant-funded projects should be bold, i...

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P3 Impact Award

P3 Impact Award: Recognizing Collaborative Excellence The P3 Impact Award was created by Concordia, the University of Virginia Darden School Institute for Business in Society, and the U.S. Department of State Secretary's Office of Global Partnerships to recognize and honor best practices o...

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MeHAFs Meeting Support Grants

MeHAF's meeting support program provides grants of up to $1,000 for community or regional meetings and up to $2,000 for statewide conferences and meetings. If your organization is seeking a higher level of meeting support, you may consider submitting a discretionary grant Letter of Inquiry.The focus...

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MEHAF Discretionary Grants

MeHAF’s discretionary grants fund projects and activities outside the parameters of our competitive grant programs. Projects must be related to our mission and completed within one year. Awards are typically under $5,000, but may go up to $10,000 for statewide activities.All projects must focu...

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