NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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Form for (Water and Sanitation and Sustainable Development

 Form for Water and Sanitation and Sustainable Development

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Form for Animal Biodiversity - Small Grants

 Form for Animal Biodiversity Fund

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Small Grants - Selection Calendar

Calendar (indicative) :Deadline for submitting the "3 pages" form : March 13th 21012 (in the main page it is given as 11th March 2012 so you should send by 11th March which is Sunday or otherwise you can contact the concerned organisation at the email id given in the forms for related smal...

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Small Grants - Selection Process

Two forms may be downloaded from the section headed "Submit a draft proposal" during the call for proposals time.If the Fondation Ensemble wishes to obtain more information on a proposal, the organization will receive a more comprehensive form.Within three months of receiving a proposal, t...

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Small Grants Selection Criteria

Small Grants Fund - Selection CriteriaThe Fondation Ensemble funds projects run by small organizations, in its areas of activity.  The small grants sponsored in this Fund have to satisfy the prequalification criteria described below. Moreover, the small and medium-sized NGOs that submit a proje...

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