Eligibility criteria for NGOsLegal and Fiscal Requirements: The NGO must confirm to all fiscal, legal and regulatory norms currently being followed in the country and must have the following documents:the registration document (Trust Deed/Memorandum of Association)12 A80 G ( Tax exemption Certificat...
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Register a charity for validation Criteria 1: Documentation required of an NGOThe registration document (Trust Deed/Memorandum of Association (MOA)) ensures that an organisation is a legal registered body. The aims and objectives of the MOA or the Trust should be that it is formed for the welfa...
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The Foundation today works in 8 states which together have more than 3,50,000 schools. Key aspects of its work are as follows: Partnering with Government: Azim Premji Foundation works in collaboration with State Governments and engages with teachers, teacher educators, head teachers, block and ...
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Guidelines for Writing Case Study Apply: Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Grants Case study should follow the problem-solution-benefits flow. First, describe the social challenges or problems or issues; next, describe the mitigations to this problem or issue and finally, describe on how the...
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Categories for Nominations for 5theNorth East Award 2014:1. e-Governance & Citizen Services DeliveryICT applications and practices that are having impact on better government performance, efficient citizen services delivery, improved functioning of departments within, improved flow of work...
ngoportal Last date 31st August 2014
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