NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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CAF Grant Guidelines

Eligibility criteria for NGOsLegal and Fiscal Requirements: The NGO must confirm to all fiscal, legal and regulatory norms currently being followed in the country and must have the following documents:the registration document (Trust Deed/Memorandum of Association)12 A80 G ( Tax exemption Certificat...

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Registration with CAF

Register a charity for validation Criteria 1: Documentation required of an NGOThe registration document (Trust Deed/Memorandum of Association (MOA)) ensures that an organisation is a legal registered body. The aims and objectives of the MOA or the Trust should be that it is formed for the welfa...

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Azim Premji Foundation - Key Aspects

The Foundation today works in 8 states which together have more than 3,50,000 schools. Key aspects of its work are as follows: Partnering with Government: Azim Premji Foundation works in collaboration with State Governments and engages with teachers, teacher educators, head teachers, block and ...

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INDIACSR Community Initiative Award Guidelines

Guidelines for Writing Case Study  Apply: Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Grants Case study should follow the problem-solution-benefits flow. First, describe the social challenges or problems or issues; next, describe the mitigations to this problem or issue and finally, describe on how the...

~ ngoporta

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eNorthEast Award Categories

Categories for Nominations for 5theNorth East Award 2014:1.  e-Governance & Citizen Services DeliveryICT applications and practices that are having impact on better government performance, efficient citizen services delivery, improved functioning of departments within, improved flow of work...

~ ngoportal Last date 31st August 2014

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