NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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Abilis Foundation - Tanzanian contact

Information Centre on Disability - ICDInformation Centre on Disability was established in 1998. Its goal is to create a centre that collects information on the trends of disability development under one roof, as well as, to maintain disability data bank for referral purposes. Its vision is an inclus...

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ABILIS Foundation Ethiopian Partner contact

ETHIOPIAN CENTER for DISABILITY and DEVELOPMENT (ECDD)The ECDD Association is a local, not-for-profit, non-political, non-religious, non-governmental development organization (NGO) registered in 2005 by the Ministry of Justice in Ethiopia. It presently has 66 individual Association members and a 7-m...

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ABILIS Foundation Uganda Contact Partner

National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda NUDIPUKampala UgandaThe National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda (NUDIPU) is an umbrella NGO of People With Disabilities, formed in 1987. It brings together all categories of disability, including the physically, sensory and mentally impaired people. ...

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Abilis Fundation - India contact

Mobility India MIBangalore IndiaMobility India was set up in Bangalore, South India, in 1994 to enable organized work in the field of mobility appliances and to bring about social change. Its vision is an inclusive society where people with disabilities have equal rights and a good quality of life. ...

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GSK - Save the Children Award Nomination Criteria

 1)   Be from a country classified as ‘low’, ‘lower-middle’, or ‘upper-middle’ income by the World Bank (, and not be from the European Union ( Countries classified ...

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