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Call for Expression of Interest from FPOs to Avail ProCIF Incubation Facility

Funds for Indian NGOs Last date: 10 April 2015

Activities: Agriculture,Others

Name of the Organisation: India Foundation for Humanistic Development (IFHD) 

Location:  India 

Issue of Applications: from 25th March 2015

Last date to Apply: 10 Apr 2015

Contact Email id: secretariat@procif

ProCIF (Producers Entrepreneurship Catalyst and Incubation Facility) is seeking Expression of Interest from Farmer Producer Organisations (FPO) to apply for availing its Incubation Facility. ProCIF, is a programme implemented by of India Foundation for Humanistic Development (IFHD), for Incubating and Transforming FPOs into Institutionally, Financially and Environmentally Sustainable Enterprises. The partners of the ProCIF platform are: IFHD, Friends of Women’s World Banking (FWWB), Caspian Advisors Pvt. Ltd, and NABFINS. ProCIF is being implemented and managed by a Secretariat which is housed at IFHD, Bangalore. The aim of ProCIF is to incubate and transform about 100 FPOs in the coming few years. Presently 19 FPOs are under ProCIF Incubation support and plans to extent the services to another 15 FPOs by July 2015.

The Objective of ProCIF

The objective of ProCIF is to contribute to agricultural productivity and value chain efficiency through:
•Provision of demand-driven, income enhancing services for producer owned and managed organisations [producer companies / cooperatives / SMEs / MSMEs]
•Capacity development of producer organisations to impact and improve their financial, economic and environmental sustainability to enable them to access mainstream finance and technical assistance.
•Developing an enabling environment to support the growth and expansion of producer organisations

ProCIF Incubation Services for FPOs

Access to finance
•Incubation Fund (loans at subsidized interest rates)
•Debt Fund (loans at market rate interest)

Access to Technical Assistance Facility
•Sustainable Production and Post-Harvest Technologies o Business planning and Market development
•Strengthening of FPO governance and management o Legal and Statutory requirements and procedures
•Setting up Accounting and Finance Management systems o Setting up MIS and
•Others as required by the FPO but feasible by ProCIF

Focus Sectors of ProCIF. At present the focus sectors of ProCIF under which the FPOs can access the incubation support are:
•Animal Husbandry
•Fishery and

Eligibility criteria
•Registered Producer Companies / Cooperatives / SMEs / MSMEs which has history of business operations for a minimum of 1 - 2 years
•Undertaking business activities in Agriculture / Fisheries / NTFP / Livestock
•Operating in the states of Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana State, Odisha, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Goa and Kerala
•Preferably working in underserved regions
•Practicing sustainable production and post-harvest technologies
•Minimum of 1000 small producers as members/subscribers/shareholders of which at least 70% are small producers
•Women are members / subscribers / shareholder of the FPO and have representation in the Governing Board / Board of Directors
•Democratically functioning Board of Directors / Governing Body and Professional management
•All the Board of Directors / Governing Body members are be primary producers
•Well-defined policies in place for accessing loans and repayments
•FPOs dealing with Fair Trade Certifiable products would be given preference
•Willing to be part of ProCIF mentoring support through a contract

•Interested FPOs who fulfill the above criteria are requested to send their expression of interest to to avail the application form from ProCIF.
•Promoter organisations are not eligible for this facility. However, they may express their interest on behalf of the registered FPO.

 Download Call_for_FPOs   

Important Dates
•Issue of application form: March 25, 2015
•Application deadline: April 10, 2015


Tags: Funds for Indian NGOs    IFHD     Call for FPOs   

 ProCIF Incubation Facility  


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