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Joint Global Health Trials scheme – launch of sixth Call for Proposals

Funds for NGOs Last date 10 Sept 2015

Activities: Health/Nutrition,Others

The UK Department for International Developmentopens in new window, the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trustopens in new window are pleased to jointly announce the launch of the sixth call for proposals under this initiative to fund global health trials.

Background:DfID, MRC and the Wellcome Trust each have a strong history of supporting research that aims to improve health in low and middle income countries. The three partner agencies share the view that in order to have maximum impact on health we need to work together to provide evidence of the best, and most appropriate interventions.  Pooling resources brings the necessary funds and experience together to achieve implementable results which address health problems affecting low and middle income countries. Together we will invest up to a total of £20 million for the sixth call to be launched under the joint global health trials partnership. 

Objectives and remit:The purpose of this scheme is to provide funding for the best proposals to generate new knowledge about interventions that will contribute to the improvement of health in low and middle income countries.

The programme will give priority to proposals that are likely to produce implementable results and that are designed to address the major causes of mortality or morbidity in low and middle income countries.

The scheme is open to the best proposals which address any major health related problem affecting low and middle income countries, particularly those that affect the most vulnerable populations.  Although the breadth of the scheme is deliberately wide, we particularly welcome proposals for research into chronic non-communicable diseases, in recognition of the increasing burden of these conditions in low and middle income countries. We also welcome innovative proposals which address reproductive, maternal and new born health.

The scope of the scheme encompasses interventions of all kinds, including, but not limited to, behavioural interventions, complex interventions, disease management, drugs, vaccines, hygiene and diagnostic strategies.

This scheme is primarily focused on late stage (equivalent to phase III/IV*) clinical and health intervention trials evaluating efficacy and effectiveness.  *Please note that this scheme will not include support for registration of pharmaceutical products.

The scheme aims to fund research which is rigorous, has robust methodologies and will provide clear, definitive, implementable evidence addressing questions of major importance to mortality and morbidity.  The scheme primarily funds RCTs, but innovative trial methodologies and adaptive designs are also welcome.   In all instances a clear justification for the chosen methodology must be provided and a clear reason for why the chosen trial design is likely to provide the most robust evidence to address the research question

Phase IIb trials of major relevance to the objectives of this scheme may be permitted.  If you are considering submitting a phase IIb trial, please consult one of the partner agencies involved for further guidance. 
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