NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Funding Agencies

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 1.  Call for Applications  GFII and IPA The Global Financial Inclusion Fund (GFII) at Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) Seeking Submissions for New Research Projects under the GFII Competitive Funds This Call for Expressions of Interest includes both: The Citi IPA F...
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Latest Funding

 CORDAID AWARDSThe Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development Aid (Cordaid) is seeking nominations from organisations that show outstanding implementation of innovative approaches to promote the health of young people. Cordaid will award the most outstanding organisation no...
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Large Grants Calls for Applications Humanitarian Innovations

 Last date: 6th May 2014 Humanitarian Innovations invites applications for Large Grants:Applications for the large grant facility can ONLY be made online here - we will NOT be accepting proposals sent by email.Innovation Process How to ApplyLarge Gra...
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Lisle Global Seed Grant Program - Last date15 June 2017

Lisle Global Seed Grant Program :Lisle International offers a Global Seed Grant Program to support innovative projects which further the mission and goals of Lisle — improving intercultural understanding by bringing people of diverse backgrounds together to share, work together, and learn from...
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Lisle Global Seed Grant Program Eligibility - Last date15 June 2017

Eligibility:The Lisle Global Seed Fund supports projects that further the Lisle mission and promote intercultural communication and shared learning.  It is essential applicants make clear how a proposed project will include these two elements.Lisle prefers to fund organizations rather than indi...
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LOI-To Receive a Grant to Support Demonstration Projects to Expand Access to Cardiovascular Disease

HealthRise Request for Letters of InterestTo Receive a Grant to Support Demonstration Projects to Expand Access to Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Prevention, Treatment and CareTo Receive a Grant to Support Demonstration Projects to Expand Access to Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Prevention...
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Latest Funding Information 26 Feb 2015

The Ravi Sankaran Fellowship Program has several aims. One is to build capacity by facilitating the training of students in reputed international universities and institutions. This strategy is based on the recognition that a wide exposure to wildlife science and to conservation models from other ...
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Latin American Program including Caribbean

 The Latin America Program of the Open Society Foundations focuses its funding on four issue areas:•Accountability and Transparency•Policy Debate and Dialogue•Human Rights•Citizen SecurityGuidelines: To apply for a grant from the program, please send a one- to two-page lette...
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Latin America and Caribbean Prog Focus Areas

The Open Society Latin America Program works to strengthen democratic governance by fostering open societies that are safe, inclusive, and responsive to their citizens’ needs and aspirations.  The program believes in the need for a vibrant civil society that holds government accountable.&...
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Latin America Programme - Open Society Foundation Grants

The Latin America Program of the Open Society Foundations focuses its funding on four issue areas:Accountability and TransparencyPolicy Debate and DialogueHuman RightsCitizen Security Guidelines: To apply for a grant from the program, please send a one- to two-page letter of inquiry to lat...
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L’Oréal Paris's Women of Worth Award

Every woman has the power to make a beautiful difference. L’Oréal Paris will award 10 women with $10,000 to support their extraordinary efforts to serve their communities.It starts with a small act of kindness L’Oréal Paris awards 10 new women each year with $10,0...
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L’Oréal Paris's Women of Worth Award-Ind

 Every woman has the power to make a beautiful difference. L’Oréal Paris will award 10 women with $10,000 to support their extraordinary efforts to serve their communities. Click here for more information...
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Latin America Program of the Open Society Foundations

The Latin America Program of the Open Society Foundations focuses its funding on four issue areas:Accountability and TransparencyPolicy Debate and DialogueHuman RightsCitizen Security Guidelines:To apply for a grant from the program, please send a one- to two-page letter of inquiry to latinamer...
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Leadership in Government Fellowship - for US

The Open Society Foundations are pleased to announce a new opportunity for senior-level government officials and staff in the United States who have recently left public service. Open Society’s U.S. Programs will award individual grants in 2016 to people who have played a significant role in a...
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Legal Awareness Programme for Women - NCW

LEGAL AWARENESS PROGRAMMEThe National Commission for Women regularly extends financial support to NGOs and educational institutions to conduct Legal Awareness Programmes to enable women and girls to know their legal rights and to understand the procedure and method of access to the legal systems.So ...
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Landfill Communities Fund - England

  SUEZ Communities Trust provides funds to not-for-profit organisations to undertake work that is eligible under the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF). Applications are considered for three areas of work which qualify for funding through the LCF.  These include: Public Amenities (O...
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Loyola Foundation Grants

The Loyola Foundation is a family based charitable organisation primarily dedicated to supporting overseas catholic mission activities in less developed countries Determine the Eligibility1. Is your project part of an overseas Catholic mission activity? 2. Is it a capital project (construc...
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Loyola Foundation Grants Application Process

APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS For a construction or renovation project, a blueprint and professional cost estimate, prepared by a local contractor, as well as pro forma invoices for required materials and photographs of the project in its current state, as applicable. For the purchase of equipm...
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Leakey Foundation Research Grants Eligibility

Who Should Apply:If the primary work of the project with which you are involved will be performed by a graduate student for whom you are the advisor, the project should be submitted under the graduate student’s name, and will be subject to the funding limitations for PhD Candidates.Instruction...
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Livestock Vaccine Innovation Fund

Innovations to improve livestock vaccinesDeadlines :March 21, 2017 by 12:00 PM (EDT)Topics: Livestock, Vaccines, InnovationDuration:30 monthsRegions: GlobalContact:lvif@idrc.caBudget:Up to six research projects of a maximum of CA$1 million each Eligibility: This call is open to a...
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Legislative Fellows India & Pakistan Fall 2017 - Last date 15 April 2017

Legislative Fellows India & Pakistan Fall 2017Dear Applicants,Thank you for your interest in the Legislative Fellows Program for India and Pakistan. Funded by the U.S. Department of State and implemented by World Learning, the Legislative Fellows Program for India and Pakistan will promote mutua...
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Leadership in Government Fellowship Lastdate 25 June 2017

The Open Society Foundations’ Leadership in Government Fellowship Program was founded in 2016 to support former senior-level government staff in the United States who have recently left public service and have played a significant role in advancing social change from within government in the U...
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Literacy Fund - Wilbur and Niso Smith Foundation

Across the world, there are currently 114 million young people lacking literacy skills. Literacy is the pathway to a better quality of life. It has the power to improve health and diminish poverty for individuals, families and communities, and is fundamental to economic and social progress.We want t...
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Latest Funding for Indian NGOs

 Dubai Cares GrantsCargill GrantsMagraret McNamara Education Grants CriteriaMagraret McNamara Education GrantsFeminist Review Trust GrantsClean Energy Lab for Non-profitsPrince Bernhard Nature FundAnglo American Group Foundation GrantsYouth Lead TA FundRight Sharing of World Resources GrantsWat...
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Latest Funding for International NGOs

Dubai Cares GrantsCargill GrantsEast Africa Disability FundSmall Grant Scheme research on infectious diseasesPreventing Combating Gender based ViolenceMagraret McNamara Education Grants CriteriaMagraret McNamara Education GrantsConservation Food and Health Foundation CriteriaOpen Society U.S. Progra...
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Large Research Grants on Education Program - Spencer Foundation

The Large Research Grants on Education Program provides financial support for education research projects that contribute to the improvement of education. The program accepts applications twice a year and offers budgets ranging from $125,000 up to $500,000 for projects lasting from one to five years...
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LGBTIQ Aging Seed Grants

Requests for Proposals: Global LGBTIQ Aging Seed Grants ProgramAbout the Program: The Williams Institute and SAGE’s Global LGBTIQ Aging Seed Grants Program aims to encourage new empirical research and data collection on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex older adults (ages 50 an...
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LGBTQI Seed Grants

Global LGBTQI Seed Grants Program – Call for Proposals: The Williams Institute is pleased to announce the Global LGBTQI Seed Grants Program, which aims to support new empirical research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex populations in least developed, low-, and middl...
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Local Projects on Education & Youth Development

Call of Proposals for Local Projects on Education & Youth Development for FY2024 (Deadline: January 31, 2024) The Asian Community Trust (ACT) aims to build a “Bridge of Mutual Help and Resource Sharing” in civil societies across Asia. To pursue this aim, ACT assists projects develope...
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Latest Funding Opportunities for NGOs

Here is the link for Latest Funds for NGOs.  ...
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