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NGO Funding Agencies

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UJJAWALA (a Scheme for Women and Children)

UJJAWALA:  This is a Central Comprehensive Scheme for Prevention of Trafficking for Rescue, Rehabilitation and Re-Integration of Victims of Trafficking for Commercial Sexual Exploitation.Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India For the scheme details see the document li...
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United States Institute of Peace's Grants Program

The Grant Program increases the breadth and depth of the Institute's work by supporting peacebuilding projects managed by non-profit organizations including educational institutions, research institutions, and civil society organizations.In over twenty years of grantmaking, the Grant Program's Annua...
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USAID Call for Applications - DIV - Pg-2

cntd.. from page -1 Step 2: Full Application: Not all applicants who submit an LOI will be invited to submit a Full Application. Selected applicants will be sent the Full Application form with submission instructions. The Full Application form requests additional and more in-depth informat...
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UNDP Invitation to Bid - Supply of Mother and New Born Care Kits for Hospitals of Govt. of Haryana

UNDP invites Bids for supply of "Mother and New Born  Care Kits" for Hospitals of Govt. of Haryana.  ITB No. and Title of the Project: UNDP-HAR-14-2014 Name of the Project: Improving Efficiency of Health Care systems in Multiple States.Project ID: 86136 Last d...
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UNOV-UNODC - Call for Proposals - HIV Grants for Civil Society Organizations

UNODC/UNOV calls for proposals from organisations for HIV Grants and the last date is 20th August 2014Background and Objectives of the programme: UNODC is the UNAIDS convening agency on HIV prevention, treatment and care for people who use drugs. Together with other cosponsors of UNAIDS, national an...
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USAID Small Grants - Pakistan

USAID Small Grants Program Overview:Grants under the USAID Small Grants Program are time limited (for one to two years’ time duration) that may vary in size from $50,000 to $250,000. In the current grant cycle, USAID Small Grants Program is looking for applications from Pakistani Civil Society...
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UK-Vietnam: Joint Infectious Disease Research Call

UK-Vietnam: Joint Infectious Disease Research CallTime remaining: 3w 6d 9h 33mStatus: OpenOpen date: 04/06/2015Closing date: 15/07/2015 16:00Type: CallsCategories: Infections and immunity, Molecular and cellular medicine, Global health       Objectives and Scientific scopeTh...
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UK-Vietnam: Joint Infectious Disease Research Call Eligibility

EligibilityThis call funds partnership working between UK and Vietnamese based researchers. For support under this call, applicants must be eligible to apply for funding from their respective country’s funding agency:For the UK participants, standard RCUK/MRC eligibility criteria as described ...
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UK-Philippines: Joint Health Research Call

UK-Philippines: Joint Health Research CallTime remaining: 4w 0d 8h 56mStatus: OpenOpen date: 23/04/2015Closing date: 16/07/2015 16:00Type: CallsCategories: Infections and immunity, Molecular and cellular medicine, Global healthResearchers planning to submit to this scheme are asked to submit an Expr...
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UK-Philippines: Joint Health Research Call How to Apply

How to applyIn order to identify peer reviewers and convene assessment panels in advance, it is important that researchers indicate their intention to submit a proposal. Please email an expression of interest as outlined below by Friday 19 June. The deadline for full applications is Thursday 16 July...
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Uttarakhand Gramya Vikas Samiti (UGVS) Request for Proposals for ILSP

Integrated Livelihood Support Project (ILSP)Uttarakhand Gramya Vikas Samiti (UGVS)(Rural Development Department, Uttarakhand Govt.)216, Panditwari, Phase-II, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, Ph.-0135-2773800, Email:- info@ugvs.orgDated 19/07/2015 Request for Proposal (RFP):Integrated Livelihood Support P...
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USAID Let Girls Learn - Criteria

    replcia watches uk  General Criteria for ConsiderationA. Submissions are not evaluated against other submissions, but solely against the evaluation criteria from the BAA.B. Decisions regarding USAID’s pursuit of a particular project, technology or relationship are ...
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UNDF Invites Applications for Advance and Support Democracy

The United Nations Democracy Fund invites civil society organizations to apply for funding for projects to advance and support democracy during the annual proposal window, which is open only from 15 November to 31 December at Only on-line proposals during this period, in ei...
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Unilever Awards September 25, 2015, world leaders will sign up to 17 United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development. These ambitious goals set out to end extreme poverty, tackle climate change, empower women, secure universal water access, and reduce hunger by...
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Unniti Foundation Grants for India and Nepal

The Unniti Foundation provides grants to individuals, projects, and organizations in India and Nepal. The Foundation serves to fund work directed toward the alleviation of poverty through the enhancement of skills and opportunities for productive endeavors. Its special focus is on helping women and ...
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UN Trust Fund for Women to End Violence Against Women 2016

The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women launched its new Strategic Plan in 2015. Its mission over five years (2015-2020) is to advocate for and finance innovative and replicable approaches for preventing and ending violence against women and girls, to catalyze learning from global ...
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UN Trust Fund for Women to End Violence Against Women 2016- Guidelines

The 2016 Call for Proposals3.1. Guiding Principles of the UN Trust Fund The UN Trust Fund promotes initiatives based on the following principles: • Human rights-based and gender-responsive approaches that place paramount priority on promoting,protecting and fulfilling the human rights...
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UN Trust Fund for Women to End Violence Against Women 2016 - Programme Areas

UN Trust Fund Priority Programmatic Areas The UN Trust Fund’s programmatic areas will complement existing national and UN-led efforts toprotect human rights and promote gender equality in the context of Sustainable Development Goals and all other existing international commitments to...
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UN Trust Fund for Women to End Violence Against Women 2016 Selection Process

Application and Selection Process Who can Apply? Applicants from, or working in, countries and/or territories in the “List of Eligible Countries”9, as follows: • Women-led and women’s rights organizations that are legally registered in the country ofimplementati...
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UN Trust Fund for Women to End Violence Against Women 2016 UNTFEVAW

UNTFEVAW - The UN Trust Fund’s programmatic areas will complement existing national and UN-led efforts to protect human rights and promote gender equality in the context of Sustainable Development Goals and all other existing international commitments to eliminate all forms of violen...
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U.S.-South India Renewable Energy Innovation Challenge

repliche orologi rolex falsi replicas de relojes          The U.S. Consulate General in Chennai proposes to fund a Renewable Energy Innovation Contest for young South Indian entrepreneurs and innovators. The proposed project will bring together young So...
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U.S.-India Conference on Waste Management

The U.S. Consulate General Public Affairs Section in Mumbai seeks proposals for a project entitled “U.S.-India Conference on Waste Management.” In an effort to spur innovation and greater collaboration, the conference will bring together academic experts, activists, businesses, and gover...
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US-India Young Leaders Programme

The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy New Delhi invites program proposals for the development of a U.S.-India Young Leaders Program (U.S.-India YLP). The U.S.-India YLP will identify, cultivate and support young leaders in both the United States and India who have the potential of becoming ...
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Unniti Foundation Grants

The Unniti Foundation provides grants to individuals, projects, and organizations in India and Nepal. The Foundation serves to fund work directed toward the alleviation of poverty through the enhancement of skills and opportunities for productive endeavors. Its special focus is on hel...
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Unniti Foundation Grants-2

The Unniti ModelThe Unniti Foundation Grants- It is a grant-giving organization, but its support goes far beyond financial assistance. Without interfering in grantees' projects, the Foundation aims to provide technical assistance and guidance to build organizational capability, sustai...
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USAID’s Livelihoods, Vulnerability, and Resilience Program (LVRP) - South Sudan

 Funding Opportunity No:APS-668-16-000002 The purpose of the LVRP APS is to support USAID’s goal of improving livelihoods in conflict-affected areas of South Sudan with stressed and crisis levels of food insecurity. The complexities surrounding conflict and displacement as causes of ...
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Unniti Foundation Grants .

The Unniti Foundation provides grants to individuals, projects, and organizations in India and Nepal. The Foundation serves to fund work directed toward the alleviation of poverty through the enhancement of skills and opportunities for productive endeavors. Its special focus is on helping women and ...
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USISTEF Endowment Fund - Last date 31 July 2017

The governments of the United States of America (through the Department of State) and India (through the Department of Science & Technology) have established the United States–India Science & Technology Endowment Fund (USISTEF) for the promotion of joint activities that would lead to i...
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Uganda Sudden Opportunity Grant

Tag: Funds for NGOs in Uganda, NGO Funding in Uganda, Funds for NGOs Through this Sudden Opportunity grant, Voice in Uganda is calling on Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to undertake a collective action to address specific anticipated threats to marginalised and discriminated groups such as ...
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UNDEF Grants to Advance and Support Democracy

The United Nations Democracy Fund invites applications from  civil society organizations to apply for funding for projects to advance and support democracy during the annual proposal window. The 2017 window is currently open, click here to apply. Only on-line proposals during this period, in ei...
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Unity for Humanity Grants

DRIVING REAL-TIME IMPACT:We believe visionary creators are the catalyst for a more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable world. The Unity for Humanity program uplifts, supports, and connects changemakers using real-time 3D to build a brighter future. WHAT IS UNITY FOR HUMANITY?: The Unity for Hu...
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Unity Workforce Grant

Applications are invited for  Unity Workforce Grant.  Last date 2nd June 2023.  What is the Unity Workforce Grant?  A request for proposal for immersive training programs focusing on the career pathway development for RT3D developer/XR creator talent. Workforce developm...
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Urgent Action Fund Security Grants

Applications are open for Urgent Action Fund Security Grants: Urgent Action Fund offers security grants to safeguard the well-being of activists. These grants can be utilized to support the safety and security of individuals who are working tirelessly to advocate for change. With grant amounts of up...
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