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NGO Funding Agencies

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Criteria Broad CriteriaFIRST selects projects in accordance with the following broad guidelines:Tangible links to systemic stability and market development. Proposals need to demonstrate clear links between proposed technical assistance and systemic stability and market developments that promote eco...
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Funding for NGOs working on Animal Welfare

Funding for NGOs/PartnerSocial/Rural/Animal Welfare Organizations on Animal Welfare Projects in the following  States of India.   a) Jammu & Kashmir b) Himachal Pradesh c) Uttar Pradesh d) Andhra Pradesh e) Maharastra f) Rajasthan g) Uttarakhand   Last date: 5th Nov...
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Foundation for Aids Research - funding support for biomedical research

E-mail submission: October 25, 2011, 5:00 PM EDTA complete LOI must be submitted by e-mail to Hard Copy Submission: November 1, 2011  Signed hard copies of the face sheet must be received at amfAR no later than 5:00 PM. amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, is pleased t...
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Fellowships: Innovative Ideas for Social Change -Shuttleworth Foundation- 1

Mark Shuttleworth started the Foundation in 2001 and he is the driving force behind the success of the initiative. Known for testing boundaries in every sphere he becomes involved in, Mark continues to drive change in the world through the Foundation. We pride ourselves in investing in initiatives a...
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Fellowships: Innovative Ideas for Social Change -Shuttleworth Foundation -2

Why applyThis fellowship offers you the freedom and financial ability to bring about the change you envisage for the world as well as an enabling support structure and an existing network of social change agents.The Foundation  will provide technological, financial, and legal support, enabling ...
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Fund Offer - International Fund for Development (IFFD)

IFFD: INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR DEVELOPMENT ATTN: IFFD DONATION OFFER TO ORGANIZATION, IFFD is running a fund offer to all charity organisations for the help of the less privileged. FFD is an International Financial Institution and a Specialized Agency of the United Nations whose mission...
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Fellowships for Indian Citizens: 2014-2015 - USIEF

USIEF offers a wide range of exchange opportunities to Indian citizens in three main categories: Student Awards to pursue a master's degree or attend a US university as a visiting student researcher,Scholars and Teacher Awards for academics, teachers and professionals to teach or conduct resear...
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JOINT NAM S&T CENTRE - ZMT BREMEN (GERMANY) FELLOWSHIP IN TROPICAL COASTAL MARINE RESEARCH CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR 2017 The Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre; is pleased to invite ap...
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Fellowship Program - Azim Premji Foundation

Last date: 15th September 2014 Azim Premji Foundation is a not-for profit organisation that has been working for more than a decade now towards making deep, large scale and institutionalised impact on the quality and equity of education in India, along with related development areas. Any large ...
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Funding from REAL

GRANTSWe work with partner organisations in Africa and Asia to develop and implement initiatives that tackle urban poverty. This work is funded by a range of donors including the UK Government’s Department for International Development (DFID), Comic Relief, Big Lottery Fund and the European Co...
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Funds for NGOs: Call for Proposals - Health Systems Research Initiatives - The Wellcome Trust -DFID

Funds for NGOsThe Wellcome Trust, the UK Department for International Development, the UK Medical Research Council and the UK Economic and Social Research Council are committed to strengthening the evidence base for improving health in low- and middle-income countries. Together we are investing a to...
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Funds for NGOs : Application Process and Eligibility - Health Systems Research Initiatives

Funds for NGOs Application Process:Applications should be submitted to and will be processed by the Medical Research Council on behalf of the four partner agencies. Please refer to the   Medical Research Council website for more information on the application process.Applicants can ch...
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Funds for NGOs: Call for Proposals - Climate Change - Oak Tree Foundation

Funds for NGOsThe Challenge: Climate patterns play a fundamental role in shaping natural ecosystems on which human economies and cultures of the world depend. These patterns are being negatively affected as increasing levels of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the global economy influence natural...
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Funds for NGOs :Letter of Enquiry - Climate Change - Oak Tree Foundation

Funds for NGOs Letters of EnquiryOak Foundation commits its resources to address issues of global social and environmental concern, particularly those that have a major impact on the lives of the disadvantaged.Oak Foundation has a continuous approval process so letters of enquiry may be submitt...
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Funds for NGOs: Grant Making Criteria - Climate Change -Oak Tree Foundation

Funds for NGOs We consider requests for funding that meet the overall mission and goals of the Foundation. We fund a variety of time-bound projects, core costs,technical assistance and collaborative activities. However, each programme has its own funding criteria, geographic scope and requirements. ...
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Funding - Call for Proposals for Educational Youth Projects - SHL

Funds for NGOs 10th CALL FOR PROPOSALSFoundation Schüler Helfen Leben (SHL) SEEKS APPLICATIONS FOR SUPPORT OF EDUCATIONAL YOUTH PROJECTS Application Process1. SHL is seeking applications for support of educational youth projects activities in the eligible countries. Interested organisation...
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Funding - Educational Youth Projects - SHL - Criteria

 Selection Criteria 13. SHL has limited resources and hence each application will be assessed to determine its development impact and effectiveness. The quality of the proposal and not the financial outlay is the overall guiding principle for assessment of suitability of the intervention for su...
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Funds for NGOs : Nestle Creating Shared Values Prize - Nominations Invited

Funds for NGOs Nestle Shared Value Prize - Last Date to Apply 28th February 2015We created the Nestlé Creating Shared Value Prize to help business-oriented initiatives that address challenges in nutrition, water, or rural development, to scale-up or be replicated. Through the prize, we r...
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Funds for NGOs - Small Scale Projects in the Field of Development Co-operation

Funds for NGOs The German Diplomatic and Consular Missions in India operate a programme which enables them to provide direct financial assistance to Indian NGOs and religious institutions for the implementation of small-scale projects for the benefit of disadvantaged groups of society. This pro...
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Funds for NGOs - Small Scale Projects in the Field of Development Co-operation Pg-2.. Guidelines

Funds for NGOs.. continued from pg-1General Guidelines for Application:•The implementing agency must be an experienced, qualified and reliable organisation, preferably a non-governmental organization (NGO) registered under the Societies Registration Act, FCRA, 80G and 12 (1) of Indian Income ta...
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Funds for NGOs - Educational Youth Projects - SHL - Pg-2

Funds for NGOs continue from pg-1 Areas of Support 7. SHL supports activities along youth empowerment which extend across local, national, regional and international borders.Partner Institutions 8. SHL partners with local non-governmental organisations that:• have participatory and decisio...
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Funds for NGOs: The Tech Awards

Tech Awards program was launched in November 2000, and The Tech Awards Gala was held in 2001 for the first time. The concept for the awards and the  universal categories were inspired in part by the State of the Future report, published by the Millennium Project of the American Council of the U...
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Funds for NGOs - Civil Society Leadership Award

** Civil Society Leadership Award( Deadline:  December 15, 2014The Civil Society Leadership Awards (CSLA) provide fully funded master’s degree...
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Funds for NGOs: Rufford Foundation Small Grants

Funds for NGOs Rufford Foundation provide funding support to ngosThe Rufford Foundation provides funding support ngos and other agencies as specified in the criteria for small nature/biodiversity conservation projects and pilot programmes in developing countries. This section of the F...
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Funds for NGOs - Call for Proposals - IGC

Funds for NGOsThe International Growth Centre (IGC) invites researchers to submit proposals for high-calibre research projects relevant to growth policies in developing countries. The deadline for submission is 11:59pm, 01 December 2014, GMT time.This is a comprehensive IGC call for proposals which ...
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Funds for NGOs: IGC Grants Criteria

The IGC will assess the submitted proposals against the following criteria, which are further discussed in the ‘IGC Important Information for Applicants’ document:•The extent to which the proposed research is innovative and contributes to substantive creation of knowledge, specifica...
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Funds for NGOs - Call for Proposals - Public Diplomacy

 Funds for NGOs and other agencies call for proposals from US EmbasyFunding Opportunity Title: NDRFP15-01: Celebrate the ConnectionsCFDA Number: 19.040 - Public Diplomacy ProgramsDate Opened: 11/24/2014Contact: Grant Applications Manager, U.S. Embassy New DelhiEmail: ND_GrantApplications@state....
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Funds for NGOs -Call for Proposals - Public

continued from page 1...Performances or events will be the key part of every proposal, and the successful proposal should provide creative options for the size, scale and content of the performances. Performances can range in size from small, intimate affairs with a select audience of 12, to a large...
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Funds for NGOs: RFP - Study to Explore Link between Skill Development and Productivity

Funds for NGOs           Apply by 11th December 2014UNDP Calls for Proposals for a study to explore link betwen skill development and productivity in the Indian context focusing on the following:1. To evaluate the link between pre-hiring third p...
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Funds for NGOs - UNDP RFP for Production of Documentary Films

Funds for NGOsLast date: 11th December 2014 UNDP requests for proposals for Production of documentary films on 9 case studies of improved access to sanitation & clean drinking water in JharkhandList and Description of Expected Outputs to be DeliveredShoot and produce nine features of 2 minu...
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Funds for NGOs: National Commission for Women invites Applications for LAP and PMLA

Last date 31st December 2014 Call for Proposals in the Commission for Conducting Legal Awareness Programme (LAP) and Parivarik Mahila Lok Adala (PMLA)Under section 10(1)(h) of the National Commission for Women Act 1990, the Commission is required to undertake propotional and educational researc...
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Funds for NGOs: Call for proposals for MRC,ESRC,DFID,Wellcome Trust Joint Health Research System

Funds for NGOsLast date: 5th February 2015Health systems research addresses health systems and policy questions that are not disease-specific but concern systems problems that have repercussions on the performance of the health system as a whole. The aims of the Health Systems Research scheme a...
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Funds for NGOs - EOI - NSDA - To Conduct Verification of Candidates - Last date 15 Dec 2014

Funds for NGOs National Skill Development Agency, Ministry of Skill Development & EntrepreneurshipGovernment of India9th Floor, NDCC II Building, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110001Notice Inviting Expression of Interest (EoI)No: 20005/37/2014/NSDA/2418       ...
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Funds for NGOs : RFP for “Hosting of Web-based Applications - UN Women - Last date 12 Dec 2014

Funds for NGOs Request for Proposal (RFP)RFP No. UN Women/ 2014/09Opening Date: 25 November 2014Closing Date: 12 December 2014Subject:  RFP for “Hosting of Web-based Applications ‘Project Monitoring and Reporting System (PMRS)’ and the ‘Intranet (INTRA)’ for U...
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Funds for NGOs: RFP- Formative Research and Trials of Improved Practices in Bihar - Last date 19 Dec

ALIVE & THRIVERequest for Proposals (RFP)Issued on:  November 26, 2014For:  Formative Research and Trials of Improved Practices in Bihar Anticipated Period of performance:   January 2015 to April 2015Proposal Deadline:  December 19, 2014Background: Alive & Thrive is ...
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Funds for NGOs - RFP - Analysis of Budgetary Allocation for Children in India – Education Theme

Funds for NGOs Child Rights & You REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP)RFP Specification:  Selection of an agency for a short term project titled ‘Analysis of Budgetary Allocation for Children in India – Education Theme’SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 24th December, 2014SUBMISSION ADDRESS:...
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Funds for NGOs - Invitation of Proposals for Strengthening of ICDS Services

 Study on strengthening ICDS Services for addressing malnutrition among children from socially excluded groups in Uttar PradeshThe Poorest Areas Civil Society Programme (PACS) is an initiative of the UK Government’s Department for International Development (DFID), to work with civil socie...
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Fund for Cooperation and Knowledge - Scholarships for Students - Last date 12 Jun 2017

Fund for Cooperation and Knowledge: Fund for Cooperation and Knowledge - VIII edition - academic year 2017-2018The Fund is intended to provide scholarships to students from Developing Countries, who wish to study one year at the University of Pavia, and to UNIPV students who would like to spend some...
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Funds for NGOs Apply for Natura 2000 Awards - Last date 21 Jan 2015

Natura 2000 Award Open for ApplicationsDeadline: 21 January 2015The Natura 2000 Network is accepting applications for Natura 2000 Award in five different categories. This is pan-European Award that recognizes excellence in the management of Natura 2000 sites and conservation achievements, showcasing...
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Funds for NGOs: Scholorship Program - JN Tat Endowment

Funds for NGOs: JN Tata Endowment ScholarshipsOverview:The J.N. Tata Endowment offers loan scholarships for higher studies abroad only. The loan amount (ranging between Rs.1,50,000/- and  Rs.6,00,000/-) awarded to each scholar is determined by the norms laid down for the purpose and does not co...
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Fellowships - Open Society

The Open Society Fellowship was founded in 2008 to support individuals pursuing innovative and unconventional approaches to fundamental open society challenges. The fellowship funds work that will enrich public understanding of those challenges and stimulate far-reaching and probing conversations wi...
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Fellowship Program - Open Society

Academic Capacity Development Program..Returning Scholars Fellowship Program Posted by admin on Feb 14, 2015 Leave a Comment Fellowship ProgramAcademic Capacity Development Program/Returning Scholars Fellowship Program Posted on February 12, 2015   International Higher Education Sup...
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Financial Assistance and Support Services to Victims of Rape - Scheme for Restorative Justice

1. Introduction The right to life, which includes the right to live with dignity, is guaranteed to every person under the Constitution of India. The inherent dignity of the human being and the right of protection from any form of violence against women also forms part of India’s international ...
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FRIDA - The Young Feminist Fund

FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund is the only youth-led fund focused exclusively on supporting global young feminist activism to advance social justice movements and agendas. FRIDA was created to bring new resources and new opportunities to young women and trans* youth globally. We believe that suppor...
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FRIDA - The Young Feminist Fund - Who Can Apply

Who can apply? Groups founded or led by young women or trans* youth (under 30 years) that are committed to: Advancing and defending women’s rights from a feminist perspective; Improving the lives of young women/trans* youth at local, national, regional or international levels;In...
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FRIDA - The Young Feminist Fund - Priority criteria

Priority will be given to: Small, emerging grassroots groups, networks, or collectives with little or no access to funding from larger donors. Groups, networks, or collectives that are working on emerging or issues that have not received prior funding. Groups, networks, or collectives...
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FRIDA - The Young Feminist Fund - How to Submit Application

Expectations of Successful Groups:All grantees will be required to sign a grant agreement, which will outline accounting, reporting, and other terms and conditions regarding how funds will be distributed. Grantees will be required to be in regular communication with FRIDA staff and will be required ...
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Fellowships for Indian and German Journalists

The perception of Germans and Indians is largely defined and influenced by the media. An increase in reporting, however, does not necessarily lead to a better understanding of each other. Very often, stereotypes and prejudices determine people’s opinion on both sides. It is a tremendous c...
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Fellowships for Indian and German Journalists - How to Apply

How to Apply: The program "Medienbotschafter Indien – Deutschland” gives journalists a unique possibility to work and study in India and Germany. The program is open to Indian and German professionals who have several years of working experience and possess very good skills in ...
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Fellowships from Asian Development Foundation

Program Description:The Asia Foundation Development Fellows program is comprised of the following five components: Leadership Training Program [South Korea] – The Leadership Training Program features an intensive one-week course at the Korea Development Institute (KDI) School of Publ...
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Fair and Lovely Scholarships

Fair and Lovely announces scholarships for higher education,career deveopment or t start a business.GET A HIGHER EDUCATIONThe candidate should have passed 12th Standard.Candidates should have secured minimum 60% in the 10th and 12th standard.Scholarship is open only to women with Indian citizenship....
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Fair and Lovely Scholarships Procedures

PROCEDURE & DOCUMENTSHow to apply? You can apply for Fair & Lovely Scholarship online or you can download the application forms for off-line submission. Note: - We request you to read the Scholarship application form carefully and fill in all the details accurately before submittin...
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Fair and Lovely Scholarship Procedures2

DEVELOP YOUR CAREERDocuments for the application2 passport size photographs.1 photocopy of Address Proof1 photocopy of Photo id1 Self Attested photocopy of Academic Record(Certificates and marks sheet of Class X, XII, Graduation and Post Graduation)1 Self Attested photocopy of Training Certificates1...
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Fellowships for Arts Managers - Devos Institute of Arts Management

The Institute’s fellowship program is offered free of charge to arts managers from across the United States and around the world who are selected through a competitive application process. These fellows attend a four-week program in residence at the University of Maryland each spring for three...
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Financial Assistance for Seminars Festivals & Exhibitions on Cultural Subj by not-for Profit orgns

Scope;The scheme covers all ‘not-for-profit’ organizations, including Societies, Trusts and Universities, for supporting the seminars, research, workshops, festivals and exhibitions, etc. organized by them on different aspects of Indian Culture. They should have been functioning and regi...
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First Mile Innovation Challenge

Applications are invited for First Mile Innovation Challenge -Crowdsourcing solutions for global primary careTimeline 1. Letter of intent submission – due on January 10th, 2017 (Midnight EST)2. Notification to applicants accepted for full proposal submission – January 19th, 20173. S...
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Funds for NGOs in Mauritania - US Embassy Small Grants Program on Public Diplomacy Last date 14 Jul

 Applications are invited by US Embassy in  Mauritania for its Public Policy Small Grants Program. Funding Opportunity Number: FY17-SMR-001 Opportunity Category Explanation: Security, climate change, professional development, political processes, tolerance/social cohesion, income...
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Funds for NGOs in Mauritania - PGO Small Grants - US Embassy Nouakchott Gate Last date 28 Apr 2017

Applications are invited by US Embassy in  Mauritania for its Funding Opportunity Number:DOS-USADF-USAID-Nouakchott-FY17 Last date to Apply: 28 April 2017  Opportunity Category Explanation: Security, climate change, professional development, political processes, tolerance/so...
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Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships - Last date 15 June 2017

Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships:  The Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships are designed for Indian scholars who are registered for a Ph.D. at an Indian institution. These fellowships are for six to nine months. Applications are invited in the following fields only:&n...
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Fonds SUEZ initiatives

 Fonds SUEZ initiatives:The vocation of the Fonds SUEZ initiatives is to combat exclusion by favouring inclusion and consequently sustainably improving the living conditions and autonomy of persons via access to essential services and social insertion. The Fonds supports concrete actions i...
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Ford Motor Company's Conservation and Environmental Grants- Last date 13 July 2017

Ford Motor Company's Conservation & Environmental Grants programme has become an annual event in the Middle East. Since its inception in 2000, the GCC/Levant chapter of the Ford Grants has supported at least 204 projects with $1.61 million granted to date.The programme was created to empower ind...
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Folke Bernadotte Academy Grants - Women Participation and Protection in Conflict Situations

Folke Bernadotte Academy Grants - Women Participation and Protection in Conflict  Situations.Do you represent an organization or a foundation working to promote women's participation in issues concerning peace and security? If so, you are eligible to apply for project grants from the FBA. ...
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Folke Bernadotte Academy Grants

 Funds for NGOs|Funds for Swedish Agencies Folke Bernadotte Academy Grants Last date 1st November 2017  Do you represent an organization or a foundation working to promote women's participation in issues concerning peace and security? If so, you are eligible to apply for pro...
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Ford Foundation Grants New Ideas

 Tags Ford Foundation Grants New Replica Watches Ideas, Funds for indian ngos, funds for ngos The Ford Foundation is always open to new ideas, and we welcome your input. Please keep in Cheap Rolex Replica mind that in relation to the large number of worthwhile submissions we receive, our f...
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Free STEM Fund

The FREE STEM Fund specifically focuses on narrowing the gender gap in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields.FREE STEM leverages shared governance and participatory mechanisms to design a fund that is tailored to the needs and gaps within the STEM sector. We also leverag...
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Foundational Literacy and Numeracy for Children with Disabilities

USAID India inviting applications for Click below for further details.Foundational Literacy and Numeracy for Children with Disabilities...
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FIFA Foundation Community Programme 2024 Grants

FIFA Foundation Community Programme 2024 GrantsApplications open for FIFA Foundation Community Programme 2024.Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) worldwide operating football-related projects are invited to apply for funding assistance.Programme targets underprivileged children and youth around th...
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Freshwater Conservation Grants

Freshwater Conservation Grants: Applications Open for Freshwater Conservation Grants Applications are now open for individuals interested in applying for Freshwater Conservation grants. Freshwater is crucial for the health of our planet, sustaining diverse ecosystems, and is closely linked to climat...
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