NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NIH grants

·                  Guide to Kirschstein - NRSA Programs o                          ...
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Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation - Tobacco Control Awards

Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation Announces Tobacco Control Awards Last date to receive Applications: April 22, 2011. Prevention, protection and planning for a brighter future! The Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation is a non-profit initiative created to supportenterprising individuals and innovative organ...
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NASSCOM Social Innovation Honours 2012

NASSCOM Foundation, in association with Genpact opens entries for India’s mostimpactful social enterprise projects, using technology to solve India’s social and environmental issues.The awards aim to showcase projects that demonstrate best practices in using Information and Communication...
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National Scholarship for Persons with Disabilities (2012-13)

  National Scholarship for Persons with Disabilities (2012-13) Last date: 31/08/2012 The students with disabilities have to apply Online ( and submit hard copy of the printed application duly recommended from the head of the Institution latest by 31st August, 2012 for...
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NGO Mapping Exercise in Odisha - Samaj Kalyan Foundation

Samaj Kalyan Foundation is a social enterprise devoting its resources for Research & Consultancy on various fields of development interest.  SKF operating in India and currently active in eastern Indian States of West Bengal, Bihar, Odisha, Chhatishgarh and Jharkhand. SKF is undertaking a s...
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Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation

Tobacco Free India - Grants & Awards At Narotam Sekhsaria Foundation, we empower not-for-profit organisations and social entrepreneurs to make a positive, lasting and sustainable impact on society. As a grant making organization, our focus areas include promoting excellence among individuals, im...
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NGO Funding - UNDP Request for Proposals - Biodiversity Conservation

 Funds for NGOsLast date 11th December 2014 Proposal for ‘Demonstrating a financing framework to support biodiversity conservation at the landscape level for climate change adaptation and mitigation’. The study will identify various alternatives of environmental finance to...
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Funds for Indian NGOs Organisation: National Innovation Foundation (NFI)Last date to submit: 31st March 2105The 9th National Biennial Competition for Green Grassroots Unaided Technological Innovations, Ideas & Outstanding Traditional Knowledge NATIONAL INNOVATION FOUNDATION (NIF), an autono...
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National Innovation Foundation Eligibility Criteria for Biennial Competition

Funds for Indian NGOs Eligibility CriteriaSTUDENTS Young inventors and innovators (upto class 12th) are invited to send their ideas or innovations for a special category of awards for them. These should be unsupervised, an outcome of their own creativity, without any support from their tea...
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NFI Grants

 NFI Grants - NFI  (National Foundation for India) actively seeks partnerships with local institutions, voluntary agencies and research organizations which work directly with communities at the margins of socio-economic development.Technical support and a financial contribution are av...
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NFI Grant Guidelines

Guidelines for Sending a ProposalIf the idea that you want to develop falls within the broad program profiles of NFI, please send a single page note on the idea. The note should clearly explain what the activity proposed is, the block/district/town where the project will be activated, duration, cost...
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Nominations for the Prince Mahidol Awards

 Invitation for nomination of the Prince Mahidol Award 2015 On the occasion of 123th anniversary of the Birthday of His Royal Highness Prince Mahidol of Songkla on January 2015 and 24h of the Prince Mahidol Award. We would like to invite you to nominate individual (s) or institution(s) for...
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National Programme for Health Care of the Elderly(NPHCE)

Division: Non-Communicable DivisionEmail : skdir-gupta@nic.inFunding Pattern of Scheme: The Centre will bear 75% of the total budget and the State Government will contribute 25% of the budget, for activities up to district level.Brief Description: Keeping in view the recommendations m...
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National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC)

National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC) Programme The National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC) is an ongoing programme under the Environment, Awareness and Training (EEAT) Scheme of Environment Education (EE) Division since 1986. Every year the campaign is conducted ...
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NASSCOM Foundation Software to NGOs

  NASSCOM Foundation inviting you to be a part of the BigTech Software Donations Program byNASSCOM Foundation. We are giving this opportunity to Not For Profits, Societies,Sanstha and Trusts across India. Currently, we have reached more than 3000 NGOs.BigTech software will reduce your...
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National Awards for Science, Technology and Communications

The following awards shall be presented every year to an individual or an institution for outstanding contribution in the field of science and technology communication and promoting scientific temper which has created significant impact in the country during the last five years. The awards carry a c...
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National Awards for Science, Technology and Communications - Eliibility

Eligibility :  1. The awards are open to all Indian citizens as well as to institutions registered in India or created by the Central/ State governments/ Union Territories.  2. To be eligible for the awards, it is required that an Indian citizen/ non government organization / institut...
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NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR WOMEN - Guideliines for Grant of Financial Assistance

Guidelines for grant of Financial Assistance for the purpose of Research/ Studies, Seminars / Conferences /orkshops, Public Hearings, Legal Awareness Programmes andParivarik Mahila Lok Adalats he National Commission for Women (NCW) undertakes research studies nd Special Studies under Section 10(1) (...
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Nippon Foundation Grants

Goals and Objectives of The Nippon Foundation: The Nippon Foundation is an independent, non-profit, grant-making organization founded in 1962. It was established by legislation for the purpose of carrying out philanthropic activities using revenue from motorboat racing. The Foundation is pr...
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National Science Foundation Grants

 Description: The Condensed Matter Physics program supports experimental, as well as combined experiment and theory projects investigating the fundamental physics behind phenomena exhibited by condensed matter systems. Representative research areas in such systems include: 1) phenomena at the n...
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National Science Foundation - How to submit Proposals

How to Submit Proposals 1. Electronic Requirements Proposals to NSF must be submitted electronically via the NSF FastLane System or via use of For proposals prepared and submitted via, the guidelines specified in the NSF Application Guide apply.&...
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National Science Foundation - Proposal Preparation Instructions

NSF Proposal Preparation and Submission Unless specified in an NSF program solicitation, proposals submitted to NSF must be submitted electronically via use of either the NSF FastLane System or Further information on each system is provided below.  • Proposal Preparation and Su...
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NSF Funding Opportunities

NSF Programs and Funding Opportunities NSF does not normally support technical assistance, pilot plant efforts, research requiring security classification, the development of products for commercial marketing, or market research for a particular project or invention.  replicas reloje...
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New and Renewable Energy Young Scientist Awards

New and Renewable Energy Young Scientist Awards 1. Introduction The MNRE supports Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D) to develop new and renewable energy technologies, processes, materials, components, subsystems,products & services, standards and resource assessmen...
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New England Biolab Foundation

Application Deadlines:The first step in the process is to submit a letter of inquiry to us following the guidelines posted here. Please do not submit a full proposal to us without first being invited by our staff to do so.Our trustees meet twice a year to review proposals, typically in July and Dece...
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Vigil India Movement a national level Human Rights Organisation, Bangalore invites Nominations to the M.A. Thomas National Human Rights Award 2016.The Award honours individuals/organizations in India who have made significant contributions for the protection and promotion of human rights in India in...
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Nominate for Young Leaders Initiative  believe that young people are a force for good in the world, that we have the imagination, courage and ingenuity to find lasting solutions to the world’s greatest challenges. We believe that our interdependence and shared humanity requires us to give all we can to make s...
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NSDC Funding Information

The NSDC National Skill Development Corporation Funding: It provides skill development funding either as loans or equity, and supports financial incentives to select private sector initiatives to improve financial viability through tax breaks etc. NSDC’s financing initiatives pr...
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New India Foundation Fellowship

The core activity of the New India Foundation are the New India Fellowships, awarded to scholars and writers working on different aspects of the history of independent India. From a large pool of several hundred applications, about twelve proposals are short-listed, with these candidates appearing b...
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National Foundation for India (NFI) Media Awards Programme

NFI is a independent grant making and fundraising foundation, with a core mandate to strengthen philanthropy in India for public welfare and social transformation. NFI was founded in 1992, by a group of eminent leaders such as Late Bharat Ratna C. Subramanium, Dr. M S Swaminathan, Dr. Kamla Chudhury...
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National Foundation for India (NFI) Media Awards Programme-2

PHOTOGRAPHYOne award to a photojournalist to photo document a social development issue listed below. Journalists from small and regional language publications and nonmetro areas are encouraged to apply.Women journalists are particularly welcome. Applicants must have demonstr...
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Next World Now Grant Opportunity

Community organizations may complete a one page "Notification of Interest" (download form attached below in Word for best results) to register their intent to submit a formal grant application.   NWN screens the initial requests and forwards a full application form to select comm...
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NGO Polio Eradication Project - USAID

Funding Opportunity Number:    RFA-OAA-17-000003Funding Opportunity Title:    NGO Polio Eradication ProjectOpportunity Category:    MandatoryOpportunity Category Explanation:     Funding Instrument Type:    Cooperative A...
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National Geographic Society - Grants Program

The National Geographic Society awards grants for research, conservation, education, and storytelling through its Committee for Research and Exploration. All proposed projects must be novel and exploratory, and be of broad interest. National Geographic Society grant-funded projects should be bold, i...
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National Geographic Society - Big Cats Initiative

The goal of the Big Cats Initiative is to the halt the decline of lions, cheetahs, and other big cats worldwide. Therefore, National Geographic will be collecting all available data on big cat populations, demographics, and habitat and will then fund a variety of conservation projects across their r...
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Network Grants - India and other countries - Last date 4th April 2017

Why are we running a Network Round 3 call?To contribute to the development of stronger, more inclusive movements for SRHR AmplifyChange seek proposals for Network Grants from Southern-based organisations capable of convening and supporting multiple small-to-medium sized civil society organisations &...
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New Approaches for Improving Timeliness of Routine Immuniz. in Low-Resource Settings- Apply by 3 May

 New Approaches for Improving Timeliness of Routine Immunizations in Low-Resource Settings (Round 19)  Grand Challenges ExplorationsDate open: 7 Mar 2017Deadline: 3 May 2017 - 11:30am PDTThe OpportunityVaccinations have greatly reduced the burden of infectious diseases. Only clean wat...
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Newton Bhabha UK-India Industrial Waste Challenge 2017

Registration is open for Academic Institutionsand Research Organisations for Newton Bhabha UK-India Industrial Waste Challenge 2017Registration deadline: 11 October 2017, 23:59Application deadline: 18 October 2017, 23:59This call is administered by Innovate UK. Summary:Innovate UK and Research ...
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Niwano Peace Foundation Grants

Niwano Peace Foundation Grants Objectives: Peace is the desire of all humankind.    Many people in many nations are working unstintingly to bring it about. In spite of this, enormous problems still exist. How best to handle them is the task facing us today. The  ca...
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National Endowment for Democracy Grants 2017

Funds for NGOs, Funds for International NGOs National Endowment Democracy Grants 2017Last date to apply: 29 Sep 2017 ABOUT THE NED GRANTS PROGRAM:Each year the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) makes direct grants to hundreds of nongovernmental organizations worldwide working to advan...
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Netherlands Enterprise Agency Sustainable Water Fund programme

Funds for NGOs The Sustainable Water Fund programme (FDW) is a Public-Private Partnership facility that aims to contribute to water safety and water security in developing countries. The 2nd round of the programme opens in the fall of 2017. You can already submit your Concept Note. Themes&...
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Nudge Incubator Program

  Nudge Incubator Program is a catalyst for the nonprofit sector, nudging capable and committed problem solvers to work on some of the toughest problems faced by India’s poor. Over a period of 9 months, The/Nudge CSI Partners work closely with the founders to get their ideas in the b...
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