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NGO Funding Agencies

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ProWorld:   ProWorld’s mission is to empower communities, promote social and economic development, conserve the environment, and cultivate educated compassionate global citizens. Real Projects - Make a Difference:   All of ProWorld’s projects come from communitie...
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Proposals from NGOs for setting up State Resource Centres

Proposals from Non-governmental Organisation for setting up State Resource CentresMinistry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education
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Proposal for the Baseline Study on: “Current local and Scientific Knowledge on Climate variability

Request for Proposal (RFP)BIRDS/FAO-GEF/BLS/RFP/June 2011 GEF-FAO-BIRDS Strategic Pilot on Adaptation to Climate Change (SPACC) Project Bharathi Integrated Rural Development Society (BIRDS) invites agencies for submission of a Proposal for the Baseline Study on: “Current local and sc...
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Public Diplomacy Small Grants -U.S. Consulate Chennai

Funding Opportunity Title:  CRFP13-01 U.S. Consulate Chennai Public Diplomacy Small Grants ProgramCFDA Number: 19.040 - Public Diplomacy ProgramsDate Opened:  3/20/2013Contact:  Grant Applications Manager, U.S. Consulate Chennai Public Affairs SectionEmail:  ChennaiPASG@State.Gov...
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Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights — Universal access to Reproductive Health

 Applications are accepted by European Aid for "Promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights — universal access to reproductive health" Please go through the guidelines and other documents before applying.Reference: EuropeAid/134837/C/ACT/Multi Deadline: 10th De...
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PTES Conservation Insight Grants

We have awarded grants to scientific researchers and conservationists for many years for work that is aimed at the preservation of endangered species around the world. NEW- PTES conservation insight grantsDeadlines 12 February 2015 Our conservation insight grants are for projects focusing on en...
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PTES Conservation Insight Grants Criteria

How to applyPlease note we only accept grant applications via our online system.Allow yourself plenty of time to go through the application process. We recommend starting your application at least four weeks before the deadline. If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to email grants@pte...
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Paul Hamlyn Foundation India programme

Funds for NGOs in India Paul Hamlyn FoundationIndia is the only place outside the UK that The Paul Hamlyn Foundation works in. The Foundation gives grants of about 40 million rupees a year to local NGOs for health, education, disability, shelter and other social development activities.&n...
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Poor Patients Financial Support

 Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi (RAN)The Scheme provides for financial assistance to patients, living below poverty line who is uffering from major life threatening diseases, to receive medical treatment at any of the uper specialty Govt. hospitals / institutes or other Govt. hospitals .The financial a...
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Pollution Control Projects - Government of India

Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs)ObjectivesThe Ministry has undertaken a Centrally Sponsored Scheme for enabling the small scale industries (SSI) to set-up Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETP) in the country. The SSIs are polluting the environment through their effluents but some...
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Public Art Grant - Application Process

APPLICATION PROCESSIf you have an idea for a public art project and want to know how to propose this for the Public Art Grant, write to us with a project brief and your questions. The FICA Team will be there to guide you with the application process and make sure that you have provided all the neces...
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Paul Hamlyn Foundation Grants

 Applications are accepted throughout the year and the details of the grant process, criteria and how to apply are given below: This Fund seeks to meet our strategic aim to enable vulnerable communities living in priority geographical areas to improve their lives.Many communities in India ...
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Paul Hamlyn Foundation Grants - Vulnerable Communities

Vulnerable communitiesAmong vulnerable communities we include the following as a non exclusive, indicative list of special interest groups that we will work with in both rural and urban areas:Ultra poor families in mixed communitiesDalit communities, particularly those involved with inhuman occupati...
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Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Priority Geograhpical Areas

Priority geographical areasWork with vulnerable communities under our Open Grants Fund will be supported only in priority geographical areas.Regional imbalances are significant in India and we are prioritising the less developed areas in the country. We will focus on the areas in the central part of...
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Paul Hamlyn Foundation Grants Criteria

Overarching criteriaThe following important concerns apply to all the work we fund.We will support work which is intended to improve the overall wellbeing of communities, groups and people. The works may be in one or more thematic areas, whether health, education, governance, livelihoods, empowermen...
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Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Eligibility

EligibilityOrganisations supported within the India programme have to be local Indian NGOs with Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) registration.We do not support non-Indian organisations or locally registered branches of non-Indian organisations. We do not support organisations without FCRA ...
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Prime Minister's Fellowship Scheme for Doctoral Research

The scheme is for supporting aspiring PhD scholars with double scholarship (up to Rs. 6 lakh per annum), 50% of which will be provided by government and balance 50% by a sponsoring industry, for doing research for four years and the research fellow will receive PhD degree by doing this industrial re...
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Prime Minister's Fellowship Scheme for Doctoral Research Selection Process

Selection Process & Broad Criteria for Selection A high level Apex Council consisting of members from academia, industry and government will review the applications and select the candidates for award of PM Fellowship. The project should be innovative and of high scientific merit; w...
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Pollination Project Funding Guidelines

Funding Guidelines We seek game-changing visionaries who are at the precipice of launching a new social change effort and need some seed capital to get started. We encourage applications from people who can envision and lead projects that will grow, blossom and truly change the world. We l...
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Pollination Project - Funding Criteria

When starting a new social change venture, it can be overwhelming to think about how to use $1,000 in a strategic way that benefits your project. Our goal is to provide you with a little seed funding that can really make a difference to your project over the long term.To help you brainstorm, here&rs...
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Paperseed Foundation Grants

About paperseed Foundation: We never work alone and believe that collaborating with the global network of CellMark, their business partners, non-profit organizations and local community based organizations, we can provide innovative and better solutions for strengthening education together.We s...
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Paperseed Foundation Grants Eligibility Criteria

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA:We are currently seeking partners in China, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Nicaragua, the Philippines and select communities in the United States. Potential grantee and project partners must meet the following eligibility criteria in order to be considered for our support. E...
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Paperseed Foundation Grants - How to Get Started

HOW TO GET STARTED:Step 1: If you are interested in applying for a grant, please review our selection guidelines and eligibility criteria carefully, as these will answer many of the questions you may have regarding our grant process and whether PaperSeed is a good fit for your organization. Ste...
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Patan Devi Foundation Grants

The Patan Devi Foundation is committed to achieving lasting change that transforms people’s lives. Through our grant making, we support innovative thinkers, leaders and organizations that are working to reduce poverty and injustice and to promote democratic values, free expression an...
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Positive Action for Children Call for Proposals

 The Positive Action for Children Fund (PACF) is an integral part of ViiV Healthcare’s commitment to communities affected by HIV and AIDS. We support organisations to deliver prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services, which empower mothers and children across the ...
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Positive Action for Children Fund - Eligible Countries

Your OrganisationThe PACF is targeted at helping communities affected by HIV and AIDS. Any properly registered not-for-profit organisation that represents, or is working with or for, affected communities is eligible to submit a proposal. Your application should demonstrate why your organisation is q...
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Positive Action for Children Application Process

2016 Call for ProposalsThe 2016 Call of Proposals is limited to large grant applications only. Large grants have an upper limit of £300,000 over three years and a lower limit of £75,000 (minimum £25,000 per year). No small grant applications are being considered in this round.PACF ...
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President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Postgraduate Fellowship

This Postgraduate Fellowship is announced in honor of President A.P.J. Kalam. President Kalam was a strong advocate for young people and a passionate supporter of clean energy and energy independence.He visited the University of South Florida (USF) in 2012 and is remembered affectionately by USF and...
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President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Postgraduate Fellowship - How o Apply

FUNDINGThe University of South Florida will:Waive all tuition for a total of up to four years,Contribute a stipend of $18,000 over the nine months of the fall and spring semesters ($2,000 per month) for up to four years. The Provost's Office will pay a nine month stipend for the first year with the ...
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Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP)

About The Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP), a ministry of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), works with Presbyterians and other partners to alleviate hunger and eliminate its causes, responding with compassion and justice to poor and hungry people in local communities in the United States and intern...
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Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) Appllication Process

Application ProcessInternational Applicants must follow these steps to submit a grant application to the Presbyterian Hunger Program: Submit a Letter of Inquiry by email to Eileen Schuhmann by no later than April 30. We accept letters only between January and April every year. See instruction b...
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Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP)-Ind

Application ProcessInternational Applicants must follow these steps to submit a grant application to the Presbyterian Hunger Program: Submit a Letter of Inquiry by email to Eileen Schuhmann by no later than April 30.Click here for full document...
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Positive Action for Girls and Women Call for Proposals

This Concept Note is intended to help us decide whether or not you are eligible to be invited to apply for a grant and whether your proposed project fits within our current funding priorities, as set out in the Positive Action for Girls and Women (PAGW) Funding Framework accessible on the PAGW websi...
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PEPFAR Small Grants Program 2016, U.S. Embassy, Kampala,Uganda

PEPFAR Small Grants Program 2016, U.S. Embassy, Kampala,Uganda: The Community Grants Program to Combat HIV/AIDS, which is funded by PEPFAR, seeks to assist communities and local Ugandan grassroots organizations with small-scale development projects to provide care and support to key populations...
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Palliative Care Development in Africa: Small Grants Programme

Palliative Care Development in Africa: Small Grants Programme Application Guidelines for 01st September 2016 submission deadlineBackground:The Trustees of the True Colours Trust have set aside funds towards a small grants programme for hospices and palliative care providers across Africa to sup...
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Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Lost Childhoods Fund

Aim of the Fund:This is the first of a series of funds that aim to help us achieve our second strategic aim, to enable especially vulnerable people living anywhere in India to improve their lives.Lost Childhoods is concerned with the many thousands of children and young people who run away from home...
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Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Lost Childhoods Fund - Applications

Applications:Applications for work under this theme can be made through the same process as our India Open Grants Fund. Please use the orange link to access our online application form, and specify within the form that you are applying for funding under this theme.Funding under this theme is not res...
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Paul Hamlyn Foundation - India Open Grants Fund

Aim of the FundThis Fund seeks to meet our strategic aim to enable vulnerable communities living in priority geographical areas to improve their lives.Many communities in India have inherent strengths which are often overlooked when modern development frameworks are used to view them. They have clos...
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PADI Foundation

The PADI FOUNDATION encourages and supports underwater science, environmental projects, and education. The Foundation will fund and assist worthwhile projects that will enrich mankind's understanding of the aquatic environment and encourage sensitivity to and protection of the delicate ecological ba...
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Pro Natura Fund Last date 14 July 2017

Pro Natura Fund  is a conservation grant program managed by Pro Natura Foundation Japan (PNFJ).  The mission of this program is to conserve nature by supporting scientific research and activities overseas, especially in developing countries. We welcome your application for t...
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Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production

SWITCH Asia II - Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production Reference EuropeAid / 154338 / DH / ACT / MultiPublished 16/12/2016 Amended 20/12/2016Status Open "02/14/2017 Type Grant for ActionProgram Asia and Central Asia Geographical area AsiaBudget 19,600,000 (EUR)OBJECTIVES OF T...
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P3 Impact Award

P3 Impact Award: Recognizing Collaborative Excellence The P3 Impact Award was created by Concordia, the University of Virginia Darden School Institute for Business in Society, and the U.S. Department of State Secretary's Office of Global Partnerships to recognize and honor best practices o...
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PROTECTION SUPPORT FUND - CALL FOR PROPOSALS from December 1st 2016 until March 15th 2017THE CALL:In October 2015, Protection International (PI) became member of a consortium carrying the EU Human Rights Defende...
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ELIGIBILITY & CRITERIA:Any grant requested under this Call for Proposals must fall between the minimum amount of EUR 5000 and the maximum amount of EUR 20 000.Only activities taking place from October 1st 2016 until September 30th 2017 will be considered eligible. To avoid creating a misbal...
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Preventing discrimination in development and promoting right to health of women - objectives

2. Principles and objectives of funding proposalsThe INGO- support is an instrument for development cooperation. In order to be successful, a proposal should be aligned with the goals and priorities in Finland’s Development Policy, the Finnish Government’s Human Rights Report and the Hum...
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Preventing Child Trafficking & Exploitation in Nepal

  9th June, 2017 to 21st July, 2017 (midday) Preventing Child Trafficking & Exploitation in Nepal About the initiative:An alarming number of children in Nepal are affected by sexual exploitation and abuse, particularly Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) - where...
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Funds for NGOs PRIZE FOR INNOVATION IN GLOBAL SECURITY Last date 27 Sept 2017 In 2015, under the umbrella of its Creativity and Innovation Initiative, the GCSP and its Geopolitics and Global Futures Programme established a prize in order to recognise deserving individuals or organisat...
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Prince Bernhard Nature Fund

Funds for NGOs, Funds for Indian NGOs,Prince Bernhard Nature Fund His Royal Highness Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was the Founding President of the World Wide Fund (WWF) after its establishment in 1961. He filled this role until 1976, but continued to play a pivotal role in the internatio...
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