NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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NGO Funding Agencies

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Search has found 107 results

Scheme for Welfare of Working Children in Need of Care and Protection

 Scheme for Welfare of Working Children in Need of Care and Protection Objective: Provision of opportunities including non-formal education, vocational training, etc,to working children to facilitate their entry/re-entry into mainstream education in cases where they have either n...
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Schemes for Scholarships to Young Artists in Different Cultural Fields

Schemes for Scholarships to Young Artists in Different Cultural Fields TitleScheme for Scholarships to Young Artists in Different Cultural FieldsScopeThis Scheme seeks to give assistance to young artists of outstanding promise for advanced training within India in the field of Indian Classical ...
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Scheme for Financial Assistance towards Building and Equipment Grants to Voluntary Cultural Organiz

Write up on Scheme for Financial Assistance towards Building and Equipment Grants toVoluntary Cultural Organizations(as applicable for 2008-2009)(Please note that the scheme may be modified for F.Y. 2009-2010) Download Bank Authorization Letter         &n...
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Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship

Skoll Awards for Social EntrepreneurshipEligibility CriteriaTo be considered for a Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship, an organization must meet the criteria described below.Qualifying organizations will:·        Be led by a social entrepreneu...
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Synergos Senior Fellows Network

 Senior Fellows Network Criteria and Application Recruitment for the Synergos Senior Fellows Network occurs annually. To apply for the Fellowship, candidates should fill out the application available here and send it as attachment by email to alo...
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SCHEME OF SUPPORT TO VOL. AGENCIES FOR Adult Education and Skill Development

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 SCHEME OF ASSISTANCE TO DISABLED PERSONS FOR PURCHASE/FITTING OF AIDS/APPLIANCES (ADIP SCHEME)THE SCHEME AND ITS OBJECTIVESThe Scheme aims at helping the disabled persons by bringing suitable, durable, scientifically-manufactured, modern, standard aids and appliances within their reach. The es...
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SRTT (Sir Ratan Tata Trust) Small Grants

Small Grants With a view to cater to the needs of small welfare oriented organisations, which were generally unable to access the Trust's funds, the Sir Ratan Tata Small Grant Programme (SGP) was launched in 1998-99. Since then, the Small Grant Programme has supported several hundred organisati...
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SWADHAR-A Scheme for Women in Difficult Circumstances

 SWADHAR A Scheme for Women in Difficult CircumstancesThe following shall be the objectives of the scheme:i) To provide primary need of shelter, food, clothing and care to the marginalized women/girls living in difficult circumstances who are without any social and economicsupport;ii) To provid...
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SCHEME OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR STRENGTHENING EDUCATION IN HUMAN VALUES:   Government of India,Ministry of Human Resource DevelopmentDepartment of Secondary and Higher Education. OBJECTIVES10. Through the involvement of the Government and Non-GovernmentalOrganizations (NGOs), this schem...
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Scheme for Scholarships to Young Artists in Different Cultural Fields for Scholarships to Young Artists in Different Cultural FieldsScope This Scheme seeks to give assistance to young artists of outstanding promise for advanced training within India in the field of Indian Classical Music , Indian Classical...
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SUPPORT  TO TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMME FOR WOMEN (STEP)Department of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India.The STEP Programme aims to increase the self-reliance and autonomy of women by enhancing their productivity and enabling them to take up income generaion activities....
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Synergos Senior Fellows

Senior Fellows Network Criteria and ApplicationSelection for the Synergos Senior Fellows Network occurs annually. To apply for the Fellows class of 2012, please submit a completed application along with your resume/CV. The deadline for submission in July 1, 2011. All applications will be acknowledge...
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Special Grants Fund for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Commonwealth Associations (CAs)

Last date: 15th July 2011 The Commonwealth Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of a Special Grants Fund for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Commonwealth Associations (CAs) to undertake strategic and innovative projects that will promote the Commonwealth theme for 2011, ‘Wo...
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 Last Date to submit Entries: 29th July 2011The fifth Postcode Lottery Green Challenge seeks sustainable, creative, innovative ideas.Amsterdam, 3 May 2011 – The fifth annual Postcode Lottery Green Challenge opens today. The organisers of this international competition welcome ideas for su...
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Strengthened Governance Approach for Food Security : ''Participation for Governance'' EC Grant

Call for Proposals 2011 – EuropeAid/131792/C/ACT/MultiLast date to receive Concept Notes: 7th February 2012Strengthened Governance Approach for Food Security : ''Participation for Governance''In order to make progress on the EU's commitment towards achieving MDG1, eradicating extreme poverty a...
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Small Grants - Fondation Ensemble

 Fondation Ensemble is a private foundation - recognized by the state as serving the public interest - created by Gérard Brémond and Jacqueline Délia-Brémond, who had long cherished the idea of being actively involved in public interest work. Their children, Delphine...
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Skill Development Funding

The NSDC (National Skill Development Corporation) provides skill development funding either as loans or equity, and supports financial incentives to select private sector initiatives to improve financial viability through tax breaks etc. NSDC’s financing initiatives provide funding through:&nb...
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SUN Movement Multi-Partner Trust Fund: NEW CALL FOR PROPOSALS

SUN Movement Multi-Partner Trust Fund: NEW CALL FOR PROPOSALS!The SUN Movement Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) was established in 2012 with support from the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Irish Aid to ensure that catalyt...
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Small Grants - Humanitarian Innovation Fund

The Humanitarian Innovation Fund supports organisations and individuals to identify, nurture and share innovative and scalable solutions to the challenges facing effective humanitarian assistance.Before applying for one of our grants, please answer these two questions:1. Is your project in...
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Small Grants for Mediterranean Countries

  REGION: Mediterranean Basin Biodiversity Hotspot Date: Small grants only: 15 November 2013Deadline: Small grants only: 15 January 2014  Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) inviting proposals for small grants on biodiversity conservation projects in Mediterranea...
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Small Grants from Yemen, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi, DRC, Malawi, and Zambia

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund calls for proposals from  Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot (Yemen, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Burundi, DRC, Malawi, and Zambia.) This is the fifth of several Calls for Proposals over the investment period of 2012-2017 and as such, is purposefully limited ...
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Small Grants - Myanmar and Vietnam

REGION: Indo-Burma Biodiversity HotspotEligible countries for this call are: Myanmar and VietnamDate: Large and small grants: 30 October 2013Deadline: Large and small grants: 11 December 2013 The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) is designed to safeguard Earth’s biologically ...
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Spirit of Humanity Awards 2014

Applications are invited for the Spirit of Humanity Awards 2014 by America Cares India. The last date for submission of Applications is : 25th January 2014. AmeriCares India launched the Spirit of Humanity Awards in 2010 to recognize organizations and individuals making significant contribution...
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Small Initiatives Fund - Criteria

 Cntd...from Pg-1 The Brooke India Small Initiaatives Fund Project  The criteria for proposals are: • The applicant must be a legally registered organization with clear financial processes. Individuals are not eligible to apply. No payment of approved funds for an organ...
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Snow Leopard Conservation Grant Program

Proposals are invited for the 2015 Snow Leopard Conservation Grant Program.The Snow Leopard Conservation Grant Program is designed to support education, research, or conservation projects on snow leopards that meet the needs identified in the  Snow Leopard Survival Strategy  (SLSS)  ....
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Sir Dorabji Tata Trust - Grants

If you meet the criteria you can Apply for a Grant to Sir Dorabjee Tata Trust and after scrutiny if you are shortlisted, the Trust will get in touch with you for further information if needed.For New Grant Applicants: If your organisation works in one or more of the thematic areas supported by ...
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Sir Dorabji Tata Trust - Concept Note Information

The details required in the concept note are : Apply for -The Sasakawa PAN Asia Fund  A. Organisation information  1.      Name of organisation: 2.      Registered address:3.      Registration no.: 4.      ...
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Scholarships 2015-16

 Within the framework of the Belgian policy for development cooperation, the Minister for Development Cooperation and the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation entrust the Belgian Higher Education Institutions with the preparation of Postgraduate Programmes (Advanced Masters) and Trai...
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Scholarships 2015-16 Eligibility Criteria

RULES OF SELECTION  Applying for a ARES scholarship is absolutely free of charge. ARES does not charge any fee at any stage of the application or selection process. You may raise any question or concern about persons or companies claiming to be acting on behalf of ARES and requesting the paymen...
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Scholarships 2015-16 .. Eligibility Criteria-1

continued from previous page During the selection process between admissible files, ARES will take account of the following criteria:The academic curriculumFor courses, priority will be granted to candidates who have not yet obtained a postgraduate degree, save for exceptional circumstances spe...
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Small Grants Rufford Foundation - Eligibility Criteria

  This document outlines the criteria and procedures for applying for a grant from the Rufford Foundation. It is vital that you read and understand this document before submitting your application. A large percentage of applications are rejected because they have not followed these guidelines ...
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Spark Fund - Request for Proposals - Last date 30 January 2015

Last date: 30th January 2015 The Spark Fund seeks to provide investment-like growth capital and capacity development support to help enterprises reach commercial viability, scale, and ultimately unlock additional investments for future growth. The Spark Fund has already successfully awarded two...
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Spark Fund III - Request for Proposals

Last date: 30th January 2015 The Spark Fund seeks to provide investment-like growth capital and capacity development support to help enterprises reach commercial viability, scale, and ultimately unlock additional investments for future growth. The Spark Fund has already successfully awarded two...
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Saving Lives at Birth A Grand Challenge for Development

Saving Lives at Birth A Grand Challenge for Development  Grand Challenges Canada, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Norway, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) have joined togethe...
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Student Initiative Grants

Open Sociey invites applications for Student Initiative GrantsThe Student Initiatives aim to help students formulate and pursue individual and collective commitments to progressive change in higher education and build open and inclusive networks of informed opinion and action across the borders. The...
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STEP Project Proposals invited- WCD- Govt Of India

The last date of receipt of project proposals for financial assistance under the   "STEP Scheme's Revised Guidelines-2014" is 31.03.2015. The Proposals received after 31.03.2015 will not be considered.   (Sudesh Kumar) Under Secretary (STEP)     ...
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Document Type: Grants NoticeFunding Opportunity Number: SOL-OAA-15-000049Funding Opportunity Title: SECURING WATER FOR FOOD (SWFF)Opportunity Category: DiscretionaryFunding Instrument Type: Cooperative AgreementCategory of Funding Activity: Natural ResourcesCategory Explanation: Expected Number of A...
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Solutions for Good 2017

Technology plays a significant role in impacting lives and bringing about sustainable change.The Solutions for Good initiative is in response to the challenges faced by non-profit organisations that are unable to create a transformational impact due to the lack of the skills and resources to build o...
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Scheme for Financial Assistance to Cultural Organisations with National Presence

Ministry of Culture invites applications from the Cultural Organizations with National Presence for grant of sanction under the Scheme of ‘Financial Assistance to Cultural Organizations with National Presence’ for the financial year 2015-16. The objective of the Scheme is ...
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Scheme for Financial Assistance to Cultural Organisations with National Presence-2

Mode and Conditions for Release of Grant The grant shall be given based on the appraisal of applications/proposals received under the scheme by the Expert Advisory Committee and thereafter by the administrative authorize in the Ministry of Culture. Grant will be paid in two installments (i...
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Seed Grants - Pollination Project

The Pollination Project seeks to unleash GOODNESS and expand COMPASSION all over the world. We make daily seed grants to inspiring social change-makers who are committed to a world that works for all.Our daily grant making began on January 1, 2013 and since then, we have funded a different project e...
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Social Enterprise Education programme

Social Enterprise Education programme (SEEP) is an initiative to build collaborative partnerships facilitating opportunities to students and faculties in India and the UK. The aim is to promote social enterprise ecosystems and create platforms for research and pilot projects within educational insti...
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Social Enterprise Education programme Eligibiity

ELIGIBILITY replica uhrenRecognised universities, business schools and higher education institutions in India and UK are eligible to apply for these partnerships.Government departments, industries, incubators / accelerators, accreditation agencies and other education bodies can come in as secondary ...
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Strategic Research Projects within Human Health Science Biotechnology 2015

Call for joint Indo-Danish proposals for strategic research projects within human health sciencebiotechnology 2015 - A cooperation between the Department of Biotechnology, India andthe Innovation Fund Denmark Background: Department of Biotechnology (DBT), India and the Innovation...
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Strategic Research Projects within Human Health Science Biotechnology 2015 - Objective

Objective:The objective is through the present joint strategic research programme to strengthen and intensify the research effort within the area of human health science biotechnology and to integrate the specific competencies of the Indo-Danish research groups involved. Further, for both ...
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Smal Grants Scottish Government

Scottish International Development Organisations can now apply for funding through year three of the Scottish Government’s International Development Small Grants Programme. This will distribute approximately £500,000 in 2016 to support projects that help some of the world’s poorest...
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Small Grants Programme - GEF SGP-UNDP

Small Grants Programme (GEF UNDP/SGP) globally in 122 countries is funded by Global Environment Facility (GEF) as the corporate program of the GEF is executed by the United Nation Development Program (UNDP), on behalf of the GEF partnership. In India the program is hosted through the National Host I...
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Small Grants Biodiversity Conservation

rojects will be supported that address to promote the conservation, management and sustainable use of biodiversity in eco systems (including arid and semi-arid, coastal, marine and freshwater ecosystems, forest and mountain ecosystems etc.) species and genetic resources their sustainable use and equ...
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Small Grants - Climate Change

SGP Thrust – Climate Change: Projects will contribute to removing the cultural, institutional, technical and economic barriers to energy conservation and energy efficiency and to promote the adoption of renewable energy by optimizing implementation costs. Promoting sustainable transport s...
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Smal Grants - International Waters

SGP Thrust: Projects involving communities proximate to threatened waterbodies and transboundary threats to their ecosystems. Priority is placed on the prevention and control of ecological degradation of critical habitats (such as wetlands, shallow waters and reefs), of unsustainable use of marine r...
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Small Grants - Land Degradation

Thrust: These projects involve the intergrated land resource management with an emphasis on issues relating to desertification, loss of soil fertility and enhanced livelihoods.Global environmental problems as defined by the GEF are the loss of biological diversity, climate change and pollution ...
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Small Grants - Persistent Organic Pollutants

The potential eligible activities under this focal area include community initiatives to eliminate the causes of land and marine based sources of pollution, particularly nutrients, chemical wastes & pesticides and industrial waste dumping by promoting reuse, recycling and effective
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System of Rice Intensification - SRI - Dorabji Tata Trust Grants

Sir Dorabji Tata Trust and the Allied Trusts seek applications from NGOs, research institutions and universities for the promotion of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in India.The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a system developed in Madagascar in the 1980s and has since 1999 been tried ...
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Seed Grant for North East India

Under the initiative of Department of Health Research, for promotion of research activities in the north east region, research proposals are invited by ICMR from young and middle level faculties of medical colleges, universities and research institutions of north east states. Seed Grant of upto Rs. ...
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Seed Grant for North East India Eligibility ICMR

Eligibility for Seed Grant : Young and middle level faculty of the medical colleges, postgraduate institutions, universities, recognized research institute and development laboratories and NGOs. (Applications from non-governmental agencies should provide documentary evidence of registration(Reg...
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Scholarships for Rural Girls - Patan Devi Foundation

The Rural Girl Scholarship for Rural Girls is an annual award of 10 scholarships of Rs.10, 000/- each, meant to advance girl’s career in her chosen field instituted in 2015. The scholarship is meant to recognize a girl who has fought against odds to pursue a career of her dreams...
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Swachha Bharat Mission Awards

 Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) Awards are instituted by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India in association with the Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to recognize, inspire and celebrate excellence in urban sanitation m...
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Strengthen Organisation Small Grants - ISPP Call for Proposals

Call for Small Grant Proposals for Potential Funding by ISPPIn 2008, the ISPP Governing Council decided to use a portion of the income from ISPP investment funds for small grants that further the goals of ISPP. As stated in prior year’s announcements, the purpose of these modest grants is...
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Strengthen Organisation Small Grants - ISPP Call for Proposals- Sample Format

There is not a rigid format for proposals. However, please include the following components: The title of the project; The person or persons submitting the proposal, including their affiliations and complete contact information. Ifnon-members will be involved in the proposed project,...
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Summer School in Human Rights Litigation - Call for Applications

The Open Society Justice Initiative and Central European University invite applicants for the 2016 Summer School in Human Rights Litigation, to be held in Budapest from July 11 to 15.The summer school provides a unique opportunity for human rights professionals to build on their experience and to de...
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Schemes for Financial Assistance for Seminars,Fesstivals,Exhibitions..2

orologi replica replicas relojes orologi replica   Procedure for submission of applicationThe Scheme is open throughout the year. The application in the prescribed proforma for grant under the Scheme may be sent to the Director, North Central Zone Cultural Centre (NCZCC), 14, CSP Singh Ma...
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Small-scale projects for the benefit of disadvantaged groups of Society.

Small Scale ProjectsThe German Diplomatic and Consular Missions in India operate a program which enables them to provide direct financial assistance to Indian NGOs and religious institutions for the implementation of small-scale projects for the benefit of disadvantaged groups of society.This progra...
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Skoll Awards

SKOLL AWARDS FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIPThe Skoll Foundation presents the Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship each year to a select group of social entrepreneurs whose innovations have already had significant, proven impact on some of the world’s most pressing problems, and invests direct...
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Small Grants Program - Conservation,Research and Action -WWF

For Conservation Research & ActionSMALL GRANTS PROGRAMME (SGP)With the aim of encouraging young Indians to respond innovatively and independently to the conservation issues which affect the country, WWF-India is offering eligible individuals a one-time grant of up to Rs. 400,000 for carrying out...
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Small Grants Program - Conservation,Research and Action -WWF - Criteria

CRITERIAProposals meeting some or all of the following criteria will receive priority consideration:Contribute to WWF’s mission of conservation. Priority will be given to initiatives located in WWF-India’s priority landscapes or geographies and which have the potential to compliment or c...
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Spirit of Humanity Awards

ABOUT SPIRIT OF HUMANITY: In 2010, AmeriCares launched the Spirit of Humanity to identify and honour excellence by not-for-profit organizations working for the underprivileged, especially in the health care sector. Over the years, Spirit of Humanity has served as a centre of excellence, bringin...
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SEARO TDR Small Grants Scheme

Joint SEARO/TDR Small Grants Scheme for Implementation Research in Infectious Diseases of PovertySubmission deadline: 20 June 2016 The World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia (SEARO), in collaboration with the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Disease...
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School Enterprise Challenge Awards organised by Teach a Man to Fish

About The School Enterprise Challenge:The School Enterprise Challenge is a global business planning awards programme run by the educational charity ‘Teach A Man To Fish.’ It aims to create globally aware, socially responsible, young entrepreneurs. The programme is FRE...
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Supporting Independent Journalism and Innovation

The Program on Independent Journalism supports promising initiatives led by individuals or collectives that strive to improve their journalism under difficult circumstances, such as autocracy, violence, repression, or poverty—or in moments of great opportunity, such as first democratic electio...
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School Enterprise Challenge 2016

What is the School Enterprise Challenge?The Birches South Africa (Farm Stall) 2013:The School Enterprise Challenge is an international awards programme for schools around the world with up to $50,000 in prizes available for the most entrepreneurial schools, teachers and students.This free programme ...
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Standardized Module for Legal Awareness Programme About Women Related Laws

National Commission for Women has developed a comprehensive Standardized Module for "Legal Awareness Programme About Women Related Laws" to improve the quality of Legal Awareness Programme content as well as organising capacity and increase in financial assistance.  The financial...
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Scottish Landfill Communities Fund - Scotland

SUEZ Communities Trust provides funds to not-for-profit organisations to undertake work that is eligible under the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund (SLCF). Applications are considered for the five main areas of work which qualify for funding through the SLCF. These include: Land Reclamation (...
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South Asia Voluntary Enterprise Grants

SAVE-UK and SAVE-INDIA’s aims and objectives are to achieve the millennium development goals by alleviating poverty and promoting social opportunity.SAVE works as a non-political and non-religious charitable organisation to:Improve - Education and healthPromote - Mother and child care, nutriti...
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Soros Equality Fellowships - Open Society Grants

The Soros Equality Fellowship supports emerging midcareer professionals who will become long-term innovative leaders impacting the racial justice field. The fellowship award includes $80,000 to $100,000 over the course of the fellowship period, accompanied by the requisite skill building, mento...
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Soros Equality Fellowships - Open Society Grants - Guidelines

Ineligibility Criteria The program does NOT fund the following:enrollment for degree or nondegree study at academic institutions, including dissertation researchprojects that address racial justice issues outside the United States (applicants themselves, however, can be based outside the United...
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Sud Expert Plantes Développement Durable 2016 Call for Applications for Support Grants

 Call for Support Grants: Sud expert plantes développement durable 2016 Deadline for candidature: 31 December 2016The programme “Sud Expert Plantes Développement Durable” ( SEP2D) is a supporting the development and the International Cooperation in 22 countries of...
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Small Scale Projects - German Diplomatic and Consular Missions in India

Small Scale Projects:The German Diplomatic and Consular Missions in India operate a program which enables them to provide direct financial assistance to Indian NGOs and religious institutions for the implementation of small-scale projects for the benefit of disadvantaged groups of society.This progr...
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South Asia Women's Fund

Leading from the South is currently supported through a special fund created to resource women’s rights activism in the global South (over 4 years), initiated by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It supports activism devised, implemented, and led by women’s rights organisations in t...
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SAG-SEED Awards:The SEED Awards for Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Development is an annual awards scheme designed to find the most promising, innovative and locally led start-up eco-inclusive enterprises in countries with developing and emerging economies. The independent SEED International Jury o...
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Swiss Re — Leadership Prize in Water Management 2018

Award   Re — Leade rship Prize in Water Management 2018Deadline 22 March 2017 The winner of the ReSource Award 2017 will be announced on 3 March 2017. Listed below are the date for the ReSource Award 2018.Award:The ReSource Award acknowledges social entrepreneurial initiatives aimed ...
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Social Innovation Immersion Programme (SIIP) Fellowships

Applications are invited for Social Innovation Immersion Programme (SIIP) Fellowships:  SIIP is the Social Innovation Immersion program of SPARSH which intends to create a pool of "Social Innovators" who can identify needs and gaps within communities and then can help bridge the gaps ...
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Supporting Independent Journalism and Innovation 2017

The Program on Independent Journalism supports promising initiatives led by individuals or collectives that strive to improve their journalism under difficult circumstances, such as autocracy, violence, repression, or poverty—or in moments of great opportunity, such as first democratic electio...
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Sage Foundation's Enterprise Fund Last date 5 April 2017

What are the aims of the fund? Our fund is designed to support organizations who are looking to generate further income, create new initiatives or enhance existing and proven activity. Grants of between $5,000 - $35,000(USD) will be awarded, with a first round closing date of April 5. - See more at:...
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Scaling Up Women’s Entrepreneurship in India

Funding Opportunity No: ND-NOFO-17-102Last date to Apply 30 June 2017Eligible Appllicants: Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher educationPublic and State controlled institutions of higher educationPrivate institutions of higher educationAgenc...
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Spencer's Small Research Grants - Apply by 1st Aug 2017

The Small Research Grants program is intended to support education research projects with budgets of $50,000 or less. In keeping with the Spencer Foundation’s mission, this program aims to fund academic work that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived.  Hi...
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Spencer's Small Research Grants Criteria - Last date 1st Aug 2017

Review CriteriaThe review process for small grant proposals is thorough and careful. After an initial staff review, the strongest proposals are sent to successful established external reviewers. Based on their ratings and staff recommendations, a limited number of proposals are funded. We currently ...
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Saving Lives at Birth in Low-Resource Settings - Laerdal Foundation Grant

Saving Lives at Birth in Low-Resource SettingsThe Board has earmarked 50% of the annual appropriations through 2020 (i.e. half of annual expected grants of NOK 30 mill, equaling USD 3,5 mill) for projects related to Saving Lives at Birth.The support will be focused on practically oriented projects h...
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Solve Global Challenges - MIT

Youth, Skills, and the Workforce of the Future. Brain Health. Sustainable Urban Communities. Women and Technology. If you have a solution to one of these big global challenges, apply to become a Solver by August 1 and join the Solve community today.The Challenges  How can every person impr...
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Sustainable Tropical Agriculture - Columbia

RCUK-CIAT Newton-Caldas Fund Sustainable Tropical Agricultural Systems programmeESRC, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) are pleased to announce a new UK-Colo...
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Strenghening Grants Amplify Change

Strengthening grants support particular, usually time-limited, projects (usually 6-24 months) that seek to engage and contribute to bringing about change in one or more of the priority themes of AmplifyChange.Strengthening grants range from EUR40,000 - EUR100,000. We receive strong competition ...
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Strenghening Grants Amplify Change Eligibility

Strengthening grantStrengthening grant - Rules and eligibilityEligible organisationsStrengthening grant - eligible organisationsThe general eligibility criteria for Strengthening grantees are:1. The applicant organisation must be registered in one of the AmplifyChange eligible countries.2. The proje...
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Strenghening Grants Amplify Change How to Apply

 How to ApplyStrengthening grants - How to applyWe accept applications in English and French. There is a one-stage process for the Strengthening grant application:1. Submission of applicationYou need to apply for a Strengthening grant online via our grant portal. The online application process ...
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Sustainable Water Fund (FDW)

 Tag: Sustainable Water Fund (FDW),Funds for NGOs, Funds for Indian NGOs, NGO Funding Netherlands Enterprise Agency invites application for Sustainable Water Fund.  The last date to send Concept Note is 8th December 2017The Sustainable Water Fund programme (FDW) is a Public Private Pa...
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Souter Charitable Trust Grants

Tag:Souter Charitable Trust Grants,Funds for NGOs, Funds for Indian NGOs, Grants for NGOs in India,NGO Grants,SCT Grants  About Souter Charitable TrustSouter Charitable Trust was set up by Brian Souter and his wife Betty Souter in 1992 and over the last five years has awarded over 3,200 gr...
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Small Grants to Support Research in Family Planning

 Small Grants to Support Research in Family Planning Last Date: 5th January 2018 Measure Evaluation invites applications for Small Gr Kopi Klokker Rolex Replica Orologi Replica Italia cheap replica watches...
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SFF Digitalisation of Climate Smart Supply Chain in Farming Systems

nvitation to tender – RFP No. 83423253Project no.: 19.2207.9 -024.00Project title: SFF Digitalisation of Climate-smart Supply Chain in Farming SystemsCountry: IndonesiaService Tendered:Consultancy Service Knowledge Management and Capacity Development Strategy on Digitalizing Climate-smart Supp...
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Sophie Danforth Conservation Biology Fund (SDCBF)

Applications are invited for Danforth Conservation Grants and as a part of this The Sophie Danforth Conservation Biology Fund (SDCBF), established by Roger Williams Park Zoo and the Rhode Island Zoological Society in 1989, supports conservation programs that protect threatened wildlife and habitats ...
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South Asia Youth Water Challenge Grants 2023

Applications are invited for South Asia Youth Water Challenge Grants 2023 – Brandix Apparel Limited, GWP SAS, and Youth and Young Water Professionals (YYPP), South Asia are launching the “South Asia Youth Water Challenge 2023” to provide opportunities and empower the younger genera...
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Small Grants – Minor Foundation for Major Challenges

Apply for The Small Grants – Minor Foundation for Major Challenges – small grants: In this call for applications it is possible to apply for smaller grants of up to EUR 10,000, provided that the application falls within the strategic aims of MFMC. Please consult the MFMC strategy careful...
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Sofia 2024 Ambassador Fund for Cultural Preservation

U.S. Embassy Sofia 2024 Ambassador Fund for Cultural Preservation Bulgaria (AFCP 2024) Program Description:The U.S. Embassy Sofia Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) is inviting organizations to submit proposals for funding through the U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP). The AFCP Gran...
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Sofia Public Diplomacy Small Grants

U.S. Embassy Sofia Public Diplomacy Small Grants Program U.S. Embassy Sofia PDS Annual Program Statement Funding OpportunityThe U.S. Embassy Sofia Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce the availability of funding through its Public Diplomacy Small Gran...
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Supporting Women Organizations in Ethiopia and South Sudan

Supporting Women Organizations in Ethiopia and South SudanWomen’s Peace is issuing a call for proposals to support local, grassroots, women and young women’s civil society organizations in Ethiopia and South Sudan. The aim of Supporting Women Organizations in Ethiopia and South Sudan is ...
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SAGE Fund Request for Proposals: Transformative Care Agendas in the Global MajorityThe SAGE Fund, in collaboration with the Ford Foundation Future of Work(ers) program, is inviting concept notes from Global Majority organizations, movements, unions, and cooperatives for the development of care strat...
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Scaling Up HIV-Related Innovation Projects

IAS Young Leaders Program: Scaling Up HIV-Related Innovation ProjectsThe International AIDS Society (IAS) is offering support to a new cohort of five Young Leaders through its Young Leaders Program. Each selected Young Leader will receive a seed grant of USD 10,000 to implement and scale up an HIV-r...
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Supporting Women’s Empowerment - L’Oréal Fund for Women

L’Oréal Fund for Women: Supporting Women’s Empowerment and EqualityJanuary 30, 2024 by adminL’Oréal Fund for Women: Supporting Women’s Empowerment and EqualityThe L’Oréal Fund for Women is a charitable fund that was launched in 2020 with t...
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