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engaging Agency to conduct Studies for Recognition of Prior Learning in India in different sectors

Activities: Others

National Skill Development Agency,

Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
Government of India
9th Floor, NDCC II Building, Jai Singh Road
New Delhi-110001

Notice Inviting Expression of Interest (EoI)


Date: 28/11/2014

Subject: Expression of Interest (EOI) for engaging Agency to conduct Studies for Recognition of Prior Learning in India in different sectors

National Skill Development Agency (NSDA) intends to engage reputed Organization/Institution for carrying out pilot studies relating to Recognition of Prior Learning. This would involve the assessment and formal certification of persons possessing skills acquired through non-formal learning. It is believed that formal certification of such informally or experientially acquired skills will benefit the concerned individual economically and/or socially. To test the validity of such premises, the pilot studies would include a tracer study to measure the actual benefits, if any, that such certification has resulted in.

EOI - Submission: Interested parties/firms must send their Expression of Interest (details available at NSDA website latest by 1600 HRS on 24/12/2014. Sealed EOIs with the required documents clearly mentioning the relevant proposal and to undertake this assignment should be sent by post or by hand at the following address:

Shri JD Barua (Principal Consultant)
National Skill Development Agency
Government of India
NDCC-II Building, Jai Singh Road
New Delhi-110001
Tele- 01123438001

Objective of Assignment
•To assess the status of implementation of ICDS services particularly in access, availability and quality of services focusing on children belonging to SEGs.
•To recommend viable approaches and strategies including different stakeholders, to address child malnutrition in Uttar Pradesh.                                                                                                   

Please refer to Terms of Reference for detailed description of objectives, thematic focus of the assignment and Key Deliverables (attached below

Interested AgenciesOrganisations with suitable background and experience (as outlined in the eligibility criteria of Terms of Reference) are requested to submit their proposals in the format attached herewith. Application in any other format will not be accepted.

Proposals shall be submitted to with subject line – “Study on strengthening ICDS Services”

The last date for the submission of application is 13th Dec 2014. Please, note that due to the large number of applications, we will not be able attend to e-mail or telephone enquiries on application status. Only shortlisted agenciesorganisations will be contacted. If PACS does not contact you by 25th January  2014, please assume your application has not been successful.

Downoad NSDA_Invitation_for_EOI_for_Recognition_of_Prior_Learning_28th_Nov_2014-


Other grants


RFP Content Gathering for PACS


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RFP Analysis of Budgetary Allocation for Children in India Education Theme

Engaging Agency to conduct Studies for Recognition of Prior Learning in India in different sectors


Invitation of Proposals for Strengthening of ICDS Services

EOI Installing and Executing ICT-GIS based Monitoring and Decision Support for Equity in Education


EOI for study on Climate Change and NTFPs-roles and potential....


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