NGO Management - Indian NGO Funding Training Agencies Database

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It contains a wealth of information regarding NGOs, NGO management, finalcial and legal aspects.
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NGO Portal is a comprehensive knowledgebase of NGO’s and Non-Profits from India and around the world.
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Nagaland centre for human development and information technology (NCHD&IT)

Labam Ki Duncan, House no - 422. Near SBI Rangapahar Branch, Duncan Basti.
Dimapur, Nagaland
Contact: Aienla lemtor ( Chief Functionary )
Mobile Number: +919402638057

Activities: Agriculture,Forest & Environment,Women/Gender,Children,Education,Training,Micro Finance,Organisational Devp,Health/Nutrition,SHG/IGP,Youth,Human Rights,Capacity Building
The center will endeavor to:

1. Conduct seminars and training in the fields of a) Entrepreneurial Development and Programs b) Human Resources Development c) Information, Technology d) Environmental Education and Protection e) Education, public health and welfare.

2. Lias with individuals, NGOs, State, Central Government and International Organizations to promote the objections of the organization.

3. Encourage and initiate the formation of women groups in setting up income generating Activities – give them technical advise in management, sources of funds through Canvassing for funds for them from

(a) Govt,

(b) Funding Financial Institutions,

(c) Multinational Organizations, companies and charitable organizations –local and International.

4. Work as training agency for personnel from Govt, Corporate and Voluntary sectors.

5. To organize educational and professional seminars

. 6. To facilitate innovative projects and to provide others a platform to experiment.

7. To study community needs and social problems and initiate action to meet them.

8. To undertake research and evaluation studies and publications.

9. To provide consultancy and counseling services in the fields of training and research and development, especially for women individuals and groups.

10. To establish liaison and networking for partnership building with community groups, Corporate, NGOs, Public institutions and media with a view to protect, sustain and Develop people and their future.

11. To act as a clearing house for dissemination of knowledge and information on social Development.

12. Research on the relevancy and importance of information Technology (IT) in speeding Development in Nagaland and Northeast in general. Facilitate seminars to create Awareness on the importance of IT – the Centre plans to have a fully pledge information Wing.

13. Conduct promotional activities e.g. exhibitions of North-East entrepreneur products in different states and cities of the country, and where possible abroad.

14. Promote talented youths who show exceptional abilities to excel in their mission and calling. Our mission is to engineer participatory community development and build leadership capbilities for socio-economic empowerment amongst women and youth. NCHD-IT uses the tools of training information and awareness creation. The centre promotes networking and linkages both between individuals and institutions.

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