Developement Jobs
Finance Manager - DFID
Job Title: DFID India Finance Manager (A2)
Location: Delhi, India Closing date: 18 July 2014 To lead on effective financial management across the office and to provide assurance to Head of Office on the financial implications of programme and results delivery. To support the office with all key financial management decisions, facilitating the effective delivery of programmes, management of fiduciary risk and cascading of financial information in a meaningful way to all levels of the organisation. The role will act as a key change enabler, driving continual improvement of financial management practices in their area and will take a lead role influencing a wide range of stakeholders, particularly third parties on key financial issues. To provide regular, professional support to local programme staff and other non-finance staff and spenders, promoting and supporting the core finance competencies of all staff within the department. The role will be a critical enabler in allowing the finance business partners to function effectively, through the provision of regular, robust financial information and detailed analysis and business insight and supporting the business partner in the development and implementation of key corporate financial management changes locally. As the Finance Manager for DFID India you will provide regular, robust financial information, detailed analysis and business insight to support effective planning and decision making on our Private Sector Team’s returnable capital programme. For further details see the following documents: Job_Description_-_A2_Finance_Manager_DFID_India DFID_Application_Form-_Finance_Mgr civil_service_competency_framework_CSCF_FullA4Potrait_2013-2017_v1a.pdf .......................... other jobs E Emergency Programme Officer-Gender Protection Christian Aid-Philippines Emergency Programme Officer livelihoods-ChristianAid Policy and Programme Manager-Christian Aid-Sierra Leone Head of Education Programme Policy and Quality-SavetheChildren UK Account Manager-Save the Children UK-London Food Security and Livelihoods Adviser-Save the Children UK-London Communication+Officer+-+Devp+Prog Juba+-+Oxfam+GB Communications+Co-ordinator+-+Oxford+-++Oxfam+GB Capacity+Building+Officer+-+Manila++-+Oxfam+GB CCC+Operations+Manager++-+Kolkata.html Childline+Contact+Officers+Contact+Supervisors+-+Chennai+and+Kolkata ManagerSr.Manager+-+Bangalore+-+Childline+India ManagerSr.Manager+-+Mumbai+-++Childline+India MIS+Officer+-+ChildFund+India Clinical+Officer+-+JHPIEGO.html Training+Officer+-+India+HIVAIDS+Alliance Consultant+-+Finance+CARITAS+India Finance+Manager+-+DFID. Nutrition+Consultant+-+UNICEF.
~ Last date 18/07/2014
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Financial & Grants Management