Funding - Call for Proposals for Educational Youth Projects - SHL
Funds for NGOs 10th CALL FOR PROPOSALS Foundation Schüler Helfen Leben (SHL) SEEKS APPLICATIONS FOR SUPPORT OF EDUCATIONAL YOUTH PROJECTS Application Process 1. SHL is seeking applications for support of educational youth projects activities in the eligible countries. Interested organisations are requested to submit their applications in the prescribed format Call_For_Proposals_2015_01 Timelines 2. The deadline for receipt of short applications is 5 December 2014. Any applications received after this date will not be considered. 3. The following timelines will apply for consideration of applications: a) Deadline for receipt of short applications - 5 December 2014 b) Review by the selection committee of SHL – 9 January 2015. c) Notification of successful applicants no later than 16 January 2015: Invitation for long application d) Deadline for receipt of long applications - 16 February 2015 e) Review by the selection committee of SHL – 27 February 2015 f) Notification of successful applicants no later than 7 March 2015 g) Selection of final project on project selection conference 15-17 May 2015 4. The applicants of proposals being placed for consideration of long applications may be required to provide further information, in the formats provided by SHL, for the proposed intervention together with supporting documentation. Objectives of SHL's project financing 5. SHL supported activities promote the development of formal and informal education of children and youth and contribute to sustainable development e.g. in terms of: (i) Youth Enpowerment: -creation of structures and opportunities for activism and volunteerism- capacity-building for organizations promoting youth empowerment - education of youngsters willing to get active and supporting peer-to-peer education 6. SHL’s aim is to realize the potential of children and youth, activism and empowerment with an emphasis on the benefits of disadvantaged children and youth. SHL supports implementation of activities that: (i) are innovative and target new opportunities in education of children and youth. (ii) are scalable, replicable and financially sustainable. (iii) have a potential measurable positive socio-economic and environmental impact on the stakeholders in youth education as compared to the prevailing baseline situation, and (iv) enhance knowledge generation and information dissemination. Areas of Support Read More....
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